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to spread the US military worldwide to enforce the wishes of the elite is meeting with problems as the military is

taking sick, being spread too thin, and not being allowed to overtake their objectives promptly so that Iraq falls, Saudi

Arabia falls, and the rest of the world be damned. They see their prized plans, to escape to Mars, dashed most

embarrassingly with the recent Shuttle disaster. They see their attempts to maintain the markets, with false value

assigned to stock becoming rapidly worthless, slipping from their fingers daily. And they read with horror the ZetaTalk

that is allowed to emerge because to prevent this, to insert their control, creates an even greater aura of truth to the ZetaTalk message, as this weeks problems with the #poleshiftdiscussion chat will demonstrate.

Do we have White House members, assigned to attend the chats? Absolutely. Does Putin monitor ZetaTalk, the Brits?

Most definitely. Putin monitors, the Brits have long been among the disrupters, and other countries reach, long reach,

to attend, to stay abreast of the latest bombs before they hit the streets.

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ZetaTalk: Future Visions

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ZetaTalk: Future Visions

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

Many contactees speak with great emotion of visions they have been given, often of a devastated Earth. These are

understood by the contactee to be visions of the future, and many come away confused as to whether the vision is the

future or might be the future. We will reiterate here that the future is not written, and such visions are always just

possible scenarios. One reason for confusion is that the visions seem so very real. Humans are used to the movies, in

the main, where however engrossing the story, told with sight and sound, one is always cognizant of the viewers

seated nearby, munching popcorn - a reality check.

When visions are given to contactees it is by a machine to brain method that most closely approximates your new

virtual reality devices. All the senses are engaged, in the brain. The contactee is not at all being presented with a

reality. They are being presented with a story. Why is this done? Humans are altogether too complacent about the

fragility of their world. They merrily pollute and deplete their ecosystem without a thought. They in the main will

march into the coming cataclysms with no preparation whatsoever, becoming, all of them, disaster victims who will

then look to one another for help. We are simply making these contactees think. Think!

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Precursors

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Precursors

Note: written Sep 15, 1996.

Leading up to the pole shift in the year 2003 [Note: see 2003 Date explanation], human society will be forced to deal with the pole shift precursors, some of which will be devastating. Earthquakes will increase in frequency and strength,

volcanoes will continue to spring to life with little warning, and the weather will become ever more erratic with

intractable droughts followed by endless deluges. Beyond that, there will not be any particular occurrences on any

particular date, nor will any particular region be unduly affected. An alarmed populace, seeing the crescendo, will

increasingly attempt to explain the situation, and to alleviate their anxiety and gain control of the situation by

forecasting occurrences based on the explanation. The planets are lining up, global warming has the weather in a tizzy,

the Sun is going through a violent sunspot cycle - any explanation is preferable to the real explanation, which is too

horrific to entertain.

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http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t53.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:00 AM]

ZetaTalk: Rapid Change

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ZetaTalk: Rapid Change

Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Many normal weather, disease, or animal behavior is noted during rapid change, and attributed to some exceptional

cause. This has occurred during the past few years in regard to weather, in a reverse fashion, as the establishment is

quick to point out that at sometime in the past there was such a drought, such a storm, or such a warm day in winter or

a cold day in summer. They are, in this, seeking to diminish the reaction among the populace that weather has gotten

extreme, which it has, even within the memory of man. Should patterns showing the switching about, from deluge to

drought, or the extremes reached in both directions, this would not be a part of previously known patterns. In illness,

we are frequently asked if this or that seeming epidemic is manmade, or bio-terrorism, when it is just existing germs

affecting those with reduced immune systems, or existing germs in new places, or unknown germs now becoming


Nevertheless, these germs are not new, even if unknown, and the increased illness is due to dropping immune systems,

migrating germs, and opportunistic germs. Animal behavior also has been noted as almost crazed, where animals

normally passive and seeking to avoid confrontation will attack with provocation, or fly in the wrong direction during

migration. This is due to signals the animals or insects get from the core of the Earth, signals not known to man, but

nontheless there. Humans are also affected by the core emanations, but not to any degree that would be noted in the

populace at large. One affect is a decreased immune system, but this is to a larger extent cause by depression over

changed events than core emanations. A second effect manifests in being distracted, not thinking clearly, but this is to

a larger extent caused by being subconsciously upset over the manner in which the establishment is addressing the

problems, the cover-ups increasingly obvious. Thus, unlike spiders who weave acres of webs, or migrating birds going

in the wrong directions, there is little that is evident in man that can be accounted for as core emanations.

Spiders weaving webs to an extreme so that acres are covered under webs, get noted, but the base behavior is normal

for a spider. When earthquakes start to affect populated areas, they will be called rogue quakes, as they will occur in

places not experiencing them previously, or occur in unusual manners. Perhaps the quake will be a sudden and singular

jolt, no precursors or aftershocks, or jolt upward where the region usually experiences sideslip quakes. This does not