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mean anything has changed, just that the familiar patterns is now new. The Earth has experienced such prolonged

droughts, in areas such as Australian and sub-Sahara Africa, that behavior unknown to the inhabitants may occur.

Rock, dried beyond dry, will crack or settle in manners not known to the residents. Fires, where they start and

normally flow forwards toward the source of fuel, may find all vegetation in its path so dry that it burns hot, driving the air away from the fire in a draft. Water logged soil may slide in areas not used to land slides, or even cause

hillsides to move sideways due to the lift that water tables can give it. Thus, we are telling you that just because a

phenomena is unusual for an area, does not make it unusual for life on Earth in general! Expect the unexpected!

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ZetaTalk: Societal Disruption

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ZetaTalk: Societal Disruption

Note: written Oct 15, 1998.

Many humans, when observing rapid changes in the weather or in satellite reception are concerned that the coming

cataclysms will likewise produce rapid societal disruption well before the week of the pole shift. They worry about

how to anticipate these changes, not only the ones ensuing from nature but also from a more unpredictable source -

human society. Will the banks collapse? Will the grocery shelves be bare? Will the militia march down the streets of

their peaceful neighborhood? What should they be braced for? Where we can predict conditions in nature, those rooted

in human society such as potential violence or potential peaceful enclaves, we cannot predict. These are in the hands

of man.

However, there is unlikely to be violent, rapid changes until it is close to the time when it will be quite clear to all of

mankind that their world, as they know it, is not going to continue beyond the next few weeks or months. Humankind,

wishes to believe that the future will be as the past has been - predictable, Sun rising, crops drawn in, occasional

floods, occasional droughts, unpredictable health problems such as cancer and heart attack, babies being born, and the

renewal of life. They cling to this. Until it is absolutely clear that this will not continue, human society will not

collapse. They will cling to the belief that this will continue because the heart wants to believe this.

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ZetaTalk: 2 Camps

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ZetaTalk: 2 Camps

Note: written Feb 15, 1998.

As the years leading up to the pole shift pass, a dichotomy of attitudes will develop among those with the capacity to

examine the facts. By far the larger segment of humanity will be too busy to notice, as their lives are filled with

desperation as it is. Those who have the time to ponder issues and access to the news will fall into two camps.

Those who are courageous and have a logical mind will note the holes in the explanations they are given,

discarding Global Warming explanations when they can see that satellites are recording colder air masses and

warmer oceans, and discarding Sun Spot explanations when they find their instruments working as before. These

individuals will note that with increasing cohesiveness the facts point to an approaching pole shift, and that the

only explanation that fits that is a wandering planet making a periodic passage. Thus, a certain percentage of the

earth's populace will become aware and allow themselves to contemplate the situations, regardless of what story

the establishment tries to feed them. This percentage will increase sharply in the weeks leading into the pole


A far larger group will hear the facts and discard them, with any number of excuses. As the time of the shift

nears and the facts even more impelling, they will become more shrill, refusing to deal with the facts or even

contemplate them, but rather attacking the messengers. At the same time, these individuals will increasingly

cling to what seems to make them secure, whether this be more solid stocks and bonds, more material items, or

increasing the use of religious rituals in the hopes that a God will save them. Where their sense of doom is not

relieved in this manner, these individuals may turn to drugs and alcohol, sex, distraction in adventure or

exhausting sports, or living in the fantasy world that the movies or soap operas on TV provide.

These camps will not be able to communicate with each other, and will find increasingly that they ignore each other.

The first camp will find kindred souls to discuss the issues and formulate solutions, dropping the endless arguments

that ensue when those in denial are pressed with the facts. The second camp will ridicule the first, as their sober talk

and laying out of facts only tends to make them anxious. The two camps will come together only during the last week,

when the rotation stops and the constant presence of a reddish object in the sky, rapidly enlarging as the days pass, has

made talk of the end of the world a daily conversation. At this point, the first camp will find the second at their

doorstep, demanding to be taken in.

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ZetaTalk: Contact Groups

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ZetaTalk: Contact Groups

Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

Group interactions validate experiences. The individual, finding their night clothes on backwards, knows there has been

a visitation, but secretly wonders if perhaps their memory might be failing. In a group of contactees a synergy takes

place, first one and then another realizing, as others tell their tales, that they are not alone in their experiences. Within

the contact group details are shared that have not appeared in print, could not therefore be faked, and are told with

much emotion and conviction. When these details, told by another, match the listener's story - more than sharing takes

place, and more than an Awakening takes place. A Transformation takes place. The Contact Group is now a group of

humans who are no longer toying with an idea, no longer arguing with each other, but are facing the reality of the

Transformation calmly, with open eyes and open minds and most often with open hearts. Thereafter, walking among

others out in society, everything looks different. The frantic push to live better than the Jones, the focus on the World

Series, the chatter about the SETI project - all are put into a different perspective.

It is as though all of humanity were in a trench and could not look out except for a few who stand tall. Those too short

to see behave as though all that matters takes place in the trench, in their own little world. Those few tall enough to be