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glimpsing beyond know better, but can do little more than look at each other and smile at the ignorance and short

sightedness around them. Such it is with members of Contact Groups, who find they can only talk honestly among


There is a Transformation going on, a personal Transformation, but no less important in the scheme of things. Great

dunes are built from many grains of sand, and eventually the collective consciousness is such that this transformative

momentum begins to affect society. Ideas presented at the table receive support rather than argument. Programs that

affect the public are slanted toward the broader view in subtle ways. The little grains of sand are making mounds,

where no one has noticed, as the wind blew them just a few at a time.

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ZetaTalk: Life Changes

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ZetaTalk: Life Changes

Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

Contactees who have become comfortable with their understanding of the alien presence and any role they have

volunteered to perform during the Transformation are seldom passive. They reflect this in their daily life, as is

inevitable following any overreaching concept grasped or heavy commitment. Just as the decision to settle down into

married life can often be read by others, as perhaps taking up cooking or giving up singles parties, likewise the

awakened contactee can often be recognized. The signs are subtle and in the normal course of human events would

leave no mark, in that the alien presence is seldom discussed. But the awakened contactee changes, in not so subtle

ways, the whole course of their life. The impact can be equated to joining the priesthood or the peace corps or the

military. The contactee's whole life is affected.

As the Transformation is now, if the awakened contactee has chosen a role they seldom delay. Those in Service-to-

Others, of whom we are speaking, want to assist with preparations for the cataclysms or helping mankind understand

what is to befall them and its import. Frequently these contactees are already in responsible roles, acting, as Service-

to-Others do, as a mainstay for others. Stepping up to larger responsibilities does not concern them, but those who

have come to rely on the contactee are frequently alarmed. Life changes are planned and enacted by the contactee, who

often is grimly determined and turns a deaf ear to complaints. Not infrequently a well paying job is dropped so that

more time can be spent on the pressing tasks at hand which the contactee is eager to take up. A spouse or children who

have to curtail their standard of living or move to more modest quarters are often furious. Family and friends are sent

to argue with the contactee, who is, in their eyes, failing to listen to reason. What's gotten into him? Mental illness is

suspected but discarded when none of the classic symptoms show up. Sometimes divorce or alienation from the family

results. Often old friends who fail to understand are dropped and new friendships are developed among those of a like


Contactees thus awakened and mobilized find each other, in some small part as we guide them to do so in response to

their call to us. They take up work with each other, forming teams, and fill their hearts and minds with the satisfaction

that results, as a salve for the concurrent pain of loss they often must bear.

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ZetaTalk: Unsure

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ZetaTalk: Unsure

Note: written Jan 15, 1999.

Any role that any human has is self chosen, not assigned. Thus, any contactee feeling uncertain about a role they might

have chosen during the Transformation, has not decided what to do. This information is within them. Many humans are

undecided or unsure, not because the role has not been assigned to them or the opportunity not been made available,

but because they themselves are uncertain as to whether or not they wish to step into a certain role. Vacillation.

Many roles during this forthcoming time, as anyone who seriously thinks about it knows, represents hardship,

argument, hostility thrown their way, changes in a lifestyle, and this is not easily contemplated. Individuals frequently

decide to do something, and then they start thinking of the consequences and vacillate. So if it is unclear, it’s because

they have not firmly decided to do what they think they ought to do. If humans wants clarity, they should think

seriously about what their roles might be, about what they may have decided to do, about what the blockades are, the

repercussions, and consider this to be a conversation with themselves. Of course, if they are wishing to discuss these

matters, they have given The Call and it will be answered. But nevertheless, this is their decision, and within their

power to arrive at an answer.

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http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t77.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:03 AM]

ZetaTalk: Timed Release

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ZetaTalk: Timed Release

Note: written Dec 15, 1996.

Many contactees express a feeling that they are aware of things that are likely to occur in the future, are emotionally

ready for these occurrences, but are consciously unaware of what they may be. Of course, in human society, those who

prepare too soon for the coming cataclysms will be viewed as odd and consequently laughed at or harassed for

sounding an alarm unduly. When life today seems much like the life of yesterday, the average human in any society on

Earth today will not listen to a message about coming cataclysms with much patience. However, contactees who have

been open to the message that Service-to-Other aliens have been willing to give know that the Earth will receive

renting changes soon, and are subconsciously prepared.

The schism in thinking leads many to believe that this knowledge is encoded with some kind of timed release, where

the knowledge is not truly available to humans until scant months or even days prior to the cataclysms. This timing

may in fact be correct, but the contactees are fully aware of the circumstances. They are simply choosing to be

unaware during their day to day existence in human society. When the time is right, they will get in contact with their

subconscious knowledge. For many, the conflicts that early conscious awareness would present are best left alone. For


A mother has a handicapped child, one who requires medical attention in order to survive. She knows that this

child will not live beyond a week after medical attentions ceases, and that she will bury this child shortly after

the cataclysms bring down bridges and rent the telephone lines from their poles. Were she to be consciously

aware of what was coming, would she encourage this handicapped child to learn to read and write at the present