moment? Such encouragement strengthens the spirit of both mother and child, and is worthwhile for this reason
alone. The mother chooses to be unaware.
A young businessman in a small town employs several individuals who are considered marginal employees by
most employers as they are under-educated, semi-skilled, and often speak in broken English. During their
employment the young businessman is able to encourage them to self-sufficiency, and finds his employees
growing gardens and repairing mechanical devices under his tutelage. Were he to be consciously aware of the
coming cataclysms, his attention to the needs of the business would falter and his business might fail to prosper.
Consequently, he would be less able to nurture others in preparation. He chooses to be unaware.
A military man is in a position to influence the messages that the general population receive from headquarters.
These messages can subtly awaken or can suppress the Awakening, just by their tone and the bits of information
they deliver. Working in rigid surroundings, the military man must be careful not to express resentment, which
would be interpreted an insubordination and result in his removal from his influential position. Were he to be
consciously aware of the coming cataclysms and the alien presence all around, he would find adherence to silly
rules and regulations increasingly annoying and might express this at a moment when his guard was down. He
chooses to be unaware.
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ZetaTalk: Roles
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ZetaTalk: Roles
Note: written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Many contactees, most of whom do not even know they are contactees, sense they have a role to play soon. We have
referred to the subconscious knowledge of this, where the role might be in conflict with the contactees existing life, as
timed-release information. One day, the contactee notes a news cast, or hears comments made by friends, or sees the
weather turn suddenly unseasonably warm, and the trigger has been switched to on. The contactee may go home and
pack and take off for another country or province or state, with barely a notice given to employer or family or friends.
A contactee may decide that now is the time for that vacation, long put off, and make these arrangements putting all
other priorities aside. It is unlikely that a contactee would suddenly decide they need to develop a skill set, such as
working with manual tools, or gardening, as if this was sensed as part of their role they would have been able to
integrate this into their lifestyle earlier.
The changes we are talking about are abrupt, and disruptive, and thus have been put off. This would include divorce, or separation, from a spouse that had been convenient during the life lived prior to the trigger being switched, but
which was known would not be possible during the Aftertime. An example is a marriage where the wife is petulant,
given to pampering herself with luxuries, and would not leave a setting where these luxuries were abundant even when
faced with sudden death. The husband, in this marriage the strong person, a parent to the wife in essence, determines
he has a role to play in helping survivors, and leaves the wife rather than die with her, as he knows he cannot force her to move to safety. This of course might be on the other foot, with a caring and strongly Service-to-Other wife taking
the children to safety a few weeks ahead of the shift, and simply refusing to return, giving the shocked husband
divorce notice from afar. He then has the choice of leaving the golf course, the executive club, his mistress, or
whatever else holds him to his place, or staying. He would in any case have to make this choice, but the wife has made
her choice for herself and the children.
Where a role is not in conflict with the person's existing life, it is likely to be expressed early, as soon as realized.
Where in conflict, such as a military person who has determined to prevent blockades, keeping the poor or minority
populations trapped in cities during the last hours, realization of their role might come at the very last minute. The
reasons are obvious: if the military individual were to consciously realize this earlier, he or she would give their plans away, and prevent the role from happening! Thus, those in such double identity binds often have a hard denial of their
contactee role. Thus, there is no simply statement that can be made about contactee roles, and when the contactee will
become aware of their chosen role. It depends: on the contactee, their life situation, the culture they live in, and an
endless number of factors.
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ZetaTalk: Change Agent
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ZetaTalk: Change Agent
written Nov 4, 2004
Raised to follow the rules or face the consequences, most humans in all cultures worldwide do so in adulthood without
stepping outside the bounds. For Islamic cultures, woman adjust to being draped head to toe when outside the home,
the horrific example of rebels stoned and raped ever on their minds. Stop at the red light or be fined, regardless of
whether cross traffic exists at the time or not. Pay your bills or lose your possessions and credit rating. Mind the
corporate policies and nod approvingly at the dictates of the boss or lose your job. Go through the motions with the
spouse even though love has long gone, as this is the only approved sexual outlet and divorce makes one an outcast,
socially. Rules, regulations, confining expectations, so much a part of life that other than a quiet seething anger adults
are not aware of these invisible ties that bind them to walk in prescribed ruts.
What happens, then, to create a rebel, one who openly rebels against the rules and antagonizes those enforcing them?
Anger that has boiled over and cannot be contained, once expressed often puts the rebel into a mode where he cannot
go back, and thus in an almost suicidal plunge, he moves forward, free at last to express his resentment. For every
rebel that flashes defiance, there are thousands in a quiet revolt, a personal revolution building and waiting for an
opportunity. There is the building process, then the opportunity where the threshold drops temporarily, and another
rebel is born.
The Muslim woman, long resentful but feeling her situation hopeless, finds during warfare and upheaval in her
country that she can dress as a man, take up a weapon, and move about the streets freely, her bravery part of her
disguise - the warfare spilling into her village the opportunity. Once having stepped out of her bonds, she plots
another course for her life, freed of her invisible bonds. When the women in the village find themselves trapped