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and acting under their own volition.

These activities can constitute something as minor as the reporting of news, being more truthful, or the coordination of

efforts, where the needs of one are met by the offer of another. On occasion an effort is heroic, the sacrifice of a life to

draw attention to an injustice, or the quiet gift of hard earned savings or one's time to a cause not personally rewarding.

Increasingly, Transformation activities involve more than one, a group of humans who have found each other, often

due to requested assistance from aliens. Where should I look, where should I go, whom might I meet there and how

might introductions be started - the contactee might ask. As they have given The Call, we of the Service-to-Other

orientation assist, giving information and even arranging behind the scenes introductions during group visitations, so

that later those who wish to meet each other will not feel themselves to be strangers.

These activities are on the increase among humans, and consequently for those aliens in the Service-to- Other there is

scarcely a spare moment. All Service-to-Other aliens visiting Earth at this time, no matter what type of life form, are

enlisted in these activities. Thus, contactees may find themselves conferring with each other during visitations, with an

intelligent species akin to an octopus or a hedgehog coordinating the activities. However, whenever possible fact-to-

face encounters with humans are done by other hominoids, to minimize any adjustments the dedicated humans will

have to make.

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ZetaTalk: Incarnated Helpers

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ZetaTalk: Incarnated Helpers

Note: written May 15, 1996.

Where most aliens who have come to assist with the Transformation are either incarnated as an alien life form or

disincarnate and in light form, a small number plunge right into the swamp by incarnating as humans, as babes in

arms. For some, who have never incarnated in a hominoid or land based life form, there is considerable adjustment.

Inevitably, entities who have been operating at higher densities in the Service-to-Other orientation find it distressing to

return to the rough and tumble of 3rd Density existence, where they can no longer count on those around them to be

trustworthy teammates. Returning to 3rd Density is akin to living and breathing murky water, where before you stood

on the hill top with a broad view and fresh breezes. It is a sacrifice done out of love and concern for the struggling

young entities that are emerging from the new world. However, the rewards can be significant.

Incarnated helpers are most often not placed in positions of leadership, but rather as the second in command or counsel

to those in leadership. The Earth and its progress are in the hands of terran born entities, who are to be the leaders, and

the assistance they receive from incarnated helpers is not pressed on this terran born leadership, but is there if

requested. As the Earth is to be our future home, many Zetan entities leave the comfort of 4th Density to incarnate into

human form going into the Transformation, and don't shirk from being placed in locales or cultures where the going

will be rough. It is the end result that counts, and this is what is born in mind, as the discomforts of a single lifetime

are but a moment in time.

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ZetaTalk: In Attendance

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ZetaTalk: In Attendance

Note: written Nov 15, 1998.

How many aliens are visiting Earth at this time? Almost too many to count. In this we are speaking of course of our

brethren, as well as ourselves. On a ration of one visitor to one human on Earth, we are perhaps present in the

environment, in one form or another, at close to a two to one ration. Where are we then, if we are almost twice as

many as you? Many visitors are disincarnate, acting in spirit form, and cannot be seen by you. Of the others, who are

in physical form, there are literally tens of thousands of different physical forms species in attendance at Earth at this

time. They are simply not in 3rd Density, but escape to higher densities where they cannot be seen by humans.

Of the many different species in attendance on earth, only perhaps a couple dozen actually interact with humans. In

order for visitations to occur between species, there must be DNA compatibility. The DNA must be complementary so

that what humans would call telepathic rays are emanating and can be received. Were it not for this compatibility, the

visitors and their human contacts would have to have translations. If translation is being done, then it defeats the

purpose. Why not simply have the translator make the contact? Thus most species in attendance do other functions. An

example is crop circles, which are laid down by species which are water babies, from planets covered with a liquid,

and their space ships are of course filled with this liquid. But there is more that separates these visitors from direct

communication with humans than that. Some of the visitors that do communicate with humans are also water babies,

but can connect, brain wave to brain wave. Thus, it’s a special slot that only certain visitors can fill.

Nevertheless, many contactees will describe the bizarre appearance of their visitors or the fact that the physical

appearance of their visitors was hidden from them for some reason. This is done for good reason, as the visitors want

to get to the crux of the meeting, to the issues, and not to upset the humans they are trying to communicate with

unduly. Thus, on occasion, something the contactee would equate to an aquatic octopus may be draped with a sheet, so

all the contactee sees is a hint of a tentacle now and then. In this the contactee sticks to the issues rather than deal with


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ZetaTalk: Einstein

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ZetaTalk: Einstein

Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

When Einstein explained his primary theory of relativity, E=MC squared, he was not anticipating that this would be of

any practical use to man nor help explain to the average person why their world worked as it did. He did not give his

theories to mankind in anticipation of general acceptance, for this reason. They simply do not apply to the world that

man lives in, day to day. His theories are still considered just that, today, by mankind, as so little of them can be put to

the test, and the results arguable even today. He was, in his efforts, pointing man to the horizons, asking them to raise