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sharing the religious beliefs. This type of limitation is the norm, even for highly experienced Service-to-Other entities who would most definitely be considered old souls. But there are others, an example Nancy and ourselves, the team of

Zetas talking to you here, who consider the larger scope. At a minimum, we include the population of the Earth, and

include in our concerns all visitors from anywhere in the Service-to-Other orientation who are interacting on Earth, or

will be. Thus, this is a decision, or perhaps a limitation, of the entity, whether to cling to small and familiar groups or

be expansive and explorative.

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ZetaTalk: Sociopathic Gangs

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ZetaTalk: Sociopathic Gangs

Note: written Mar 15, 1996.

Increasingly, among certain sectors of the populace or in certain locales, violence is on the increase. The argument that

a deprived or poverty stricken upbringing should be taken into account is wearing thin on citizens finding the crimes

they are reading about inexcusable. Savagery, without any remorse, and among younger and younger perpetrators.

What is occurring is not that society has failed, or that the jails are inadequate, or that the poor are despairing, or that the schools are lacking in opportunities for all. Look to the past, when conditions were so much worse on all counts.

What is happening is the increasing dichotomy of society, with the Service-to-Self oriented being placed with each

other by the birthing envoys. Those granted a last incarnation in order to make a final decision are frequently placed in

a setting not unlike the Service-to-Self culture they would end up in - a sociopathic gang.

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ZetaTalk: New Age Trends

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ZetaTalk: New Age Trends

Note: written Jul 15, 1996.

Where the ideas expressed by New Agers are not all that new, having been present in many oriental philosophies and a

cornerstone of the Hindu beliefs, their upsurgence and universal application is new. Those espousing what is termed

New Age philosophies come in for a lot of abuse because many fear the trend. New Age philosophies are quite the

opposite of those espoused by the New World Order crowd, but both will sharpen and escalate in their attempts to

influence mankind as the Transformation progresses. Where the New World Order crowd wishes mankind to see itself

allied only with humans, and in particular only with those in control of human society, New Age viewpoints stress a

universal alliance. Concern for the ecology and recycling efforts are also characteristic of New Age groups, who stress

living in harmony with nature rather than brutalizing it. The New World Order crowd has disdain for such concerns,

treating ecological concerns as an imposition. It is no coincidence that then President George Bush, a strong advocate

of the New World Order, held back committing the US during the most important ecological conference of the

century. The battle has commenced, and during the Transformation it is a fight to the finish!

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ZetaTalk: Thug Control

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ZetaTalk: Thug Control

written July 3, 2004

Does the Sudan sound like a microcosm of what the Zetas said the elite had in their plans for selective

groups? For those who don't believe it could happen today, this should serve as a warning that the right

circumstances merely need to be present for it to happen anywhere.

We have stated that the Sudan would degenerates into territorial battles among the starving, after the pole shift, and

due to the lack of media attention paid to the starving in the Sudan, this situation has emerged early. Given that

starvation will be rampant after the shift, is this a scenario that will be repeated around the world, the strong starving

the weak? There are significant differences in the support a bully gets in the present day to what will be available after

the shift, in this scenario as well as others.

We have stated that one reason Service-to-Self groups loot until they deplete supplies and then die out is that they fail

to plan, fail to cooperate with each other, and require continuing supplies to feed their gangs. What will happen after

the shift, and how does this differ from today in, for instance, the Sudan. Today, deliberate genocide, death by

starvation with outright theft of livestock, is being done, but what does this require from the outside world? Guns,

ammunition, and food aid that can be stolen. The gangs are sustained by mountains of food stuffs delivered to the area,

and via bribery or coercion, landing in the hands of the thugs rather than the starving. Not a new story. After the shift,

no such deliveries will be made, and ammunition runs out. The Service-to-Self are known to demand immediate

satisfaction of their wants, and plan and cooperate poorly, thus will eat the livestock stolen so the stock is not available

to breed, and then turn on each other. Where travel is difficult, as it will be everywhere after the shift, isolated villages

will not be raided, and the thugs, likewise isolated, decimate themselves, each trying to be the survivor at the expense

of the others. In the Sudan, without sacks of grain and regular deliveries of ammunition, the villages would turn on

their oppressors.

Brutality, genocide, and virtual slavery in economically depressed areas - all exist today because somewhere in the

world food is being grown, products are being manufactured, and commerce flows. The pole shift brings an abrupt halt

to that. All travel is impeded, fuel runs short so that even a means as flexible as the helicopter comes to a halt.

Manufactured parts for maintenance are lacking, and the broken link effect sets in, machinery abandoned and rusting

in disuse. What is missing from the picture also is the big fist, the arm of the oppressor that comes in with the big guns

to establish control. Africa before colonization was tribal, and feuds were balanced. The Americas before immigration

to the new world was likewise tribal, minor feuds the only issues. What Africa and the Americas experienced was the

big fist from Europe, machine guns, cannons, conscripts required to fight or be shot so the big fist included armies and

navies that had no choice but to be brutal, upon command. Remove the big fist, and oppressed people soon set matters