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right. The oppressor is killed in the night, savagery returned in kind, Iraq with the rage against the occupation an

example of the seething that turns savage with opportunity. When weapons, ammunition, supper, and backup called in

readily are missing, the bullies, the oppressors, are slaughtered. This also is a story that is not new.

Eventually, survivor groups that remain are hard at work, all growing or catching their food and cooperating heavily

with each other. The occasional lone thug is encountered and either runs for his life to live in the woods on his own,

with survival very iffy, or is killed attempting to loot the hard working group. A group that is keeping starvation at bay

by intense cooperation and careful planning recognizes instantly those that are doing likewise, and also recognizes

instantly a group that has survived by looting. There are a thousand clues. Since the looters are increasingly finding

themselves without and turning on each other, they are themselves malnourished, poorly coordinated and weakened,

and blinded by rage over not having what they want, when they want it. In a battle with survivor groups that look out

for each other, the thugs are easily picked off, and decimated further. In today's world, such vigilante justice brings

harsh penalties, imprisonment, due to laws designed to keep the thugs off the streets but also due to the fear among

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ZetaTalk: Thug Control

those in control that their slave class, the working class, might rebel. But after the shift, with police and the military

absent, phones dead, and determination of who the criminal and the victim are clear, standing back and letting the

criminal have his way is not the option that is taken. Imagine trials where the victims of crimes determine the sentence,

and you see the future of Service-to-Self gangs looting survivor groups.

In Sudan, Death and Denial

June 26, 2004

There is farmable land outside the camp, but food

cannot be gathered because militiamen on

horseback, clad in government uniforms, roam the

scrubby landscape. Assault rifles are balanced on

their laps, and whips hang from their belt loops.

More than a million people live in the camps,

many of which lack water, supplies and sanitation,

and operate without any feeding centers. Tensions

have simmered since the 1970s, when drought and

competition over scarce resources sparked clashes

between largely nomadic cattle and camel herders. Human rights and aid groups accuse the

government of carrying out an ethnic cleansing campaign. Aid workers predict that many more

people will die, and that the U.N. World Food Program will be able to reach only 800,000 of the 1.2

million displaced people because of continuing violence. The government has also restricted access

to humanitarian workers and journalists, granting travel permits infrequently and allowing only a

small part of the affected areas to be visited. A trip down a dirt track road exposed a war zone

where gunmen roamed. Sun-burned men rode on camels, guns saddled on their laps, just steps from

Mornay camp. One held a whip. Others herded hundreds of sheep, cattle and camels, smiling and

waving as visitors passed, animals that aid workers and the displaced people in the camp said were

stolen. Rapes and attacks continue around the edges of the camp every night, women there said, as

they rocked sickly babies with hollow eyes.

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ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

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ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

Note: written May 15, 1997.

Reactions to word of the coming cataclysms and Earth Transformation are always mixed, even within the same

individual. Few view the thought of their comfortable living arrangements disappearing with joy, even if they consider

their current life a burden. Dinner on the table and a roof over their heads during the rainy season is no small thing,

and contemplating the alternatives - huddled shivering and wet under a tree or scrounging for insect larva in a rotting

log - is seldom comforting. But as if often the case, the outcome is romanticized so that these discomforts are put to

the rear, and the advantages of an upheaval brought forward. Psychologists are aware that the more remote a situation,

the less intense the person’s response. Thus push-push or pull-pull conflicts can develop, with a perpetual dither

between the two choices.

Extreme upheavals, where one imagines that the mundane job, the nagging wife, the annoying neighbor, and the lack

of opportunity to change one’s lifestyle are not only possible but probable, offer a chance to cast all these annoyances and burdens aside. The discomforts that the upheaval would bring are at a distance, thus less intense, but the

disgruntlements of everyday life are up close and personal, and very intense. Thus, the upheaval is seen as

advantageous, overall. In reality, the clean slate that the cataclysms will bring will carry forward, for most humans, the

same baggage they carried going into the pole shift. This baggage is attached to the human themselves, and thus in all

likelihood the same relationships will develop, the same commitments promised, the same avoidance of responsibility,

the same conflicts with leadership, the same sexual inhibitions - all the old problems will establish themselves in a new


Where a clean slate will make a difference is not in personal settings but in societal settings, as here the direction of human lives is driven quite outside of each human’s personal agenda. A man may have chosen his wife and job, to a

great extent, and the commitments and obligations he has allowed to encumber him, but where this has been virtually

dictated by the community he lives in, these bonds will be broken during the coming upheaval. If he and his wife

would divorce were it not for the alimony issue, the utter lack of a paycheck or perhaps the death of the wife changes

that equation. If he would spend his time wood-working and building furniture, his favorite hobby, were it not for the

time demands of the job that pays the mortgage, this requirement goes out the door when the employer no longer is

functioning, the paychecks stopped, and the mortgage a bad dream as the house is destroyed and the banker in any

case never heard from!

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