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outlined in the Rules section of ZetaTalk where the rules whereby alien groups of different orientations engage. In

essence, it is a no-holds-barred engagement, unlimited, so that such an engagement bound Nancy for life. Of course, it

also bound the old MJ12 for their life, and when this arm of the government ceased to have official status, her

engagement was at an end too. They too, as an organization, could and did die.

Between alien groups of differing orientations, an unlimited engagement means that the groups engaged can savage

each other, without bounds, or manipulate circumstances, without censure, until the matter at issue is settled and

beyond. Such engagements are extremely rare, and normally do not involve groups, but rather individuals or dedicated

teams. Within the Service-to-Other groups, such teams have resigned themselves to death at a minimum, and more

often to experiences worse than death, in order to secure their goal. These are suicide missions, and Nancy understood

the risk she was under when she engaged MJ12. Several other humans had done so, and only one besides Nancy lives

today. The others died at the hands of what was then the predominant CIA influence over MJ12, brutally.

Because we, the Zetas, operate under the Rules of Engagement, we honored the unlimited engagement that Nancy

entered into with MJ12. Thus, if MJ12 wanted to meet with her, she was picked up and delivered to them by us, just as

we would haved delivered one of our own to engage the Service-to-Self they had engaged, even if this meant the

death of a friend and cohort. Nancy survived by her wits and passion for truth and justice, and an almost uncanny

ability to sense those members of MJ12 who are strongly Service-to-Others. She made allies, and swayed agendas, and

argued alternatives, so that many programs operating on automatic came under question and were changed. These are

matters neither she nor ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas, can discuss in detail.

Thus, just as we engaged the old MJ12 in a limited engagement in the hope of making alliances for the better, and just

as we gave this old MJ12 a travel service without censure or comment from us in the hope of getting beyond their

deep need for control, just so Nancy went into an unlimited engagement and likewise gave them complete control over

her life, should that be deemed necessary. They did not control Nancy, her thoughts and words and opinions, they

simply held a death sentence they could implement any time they wished, instantly.

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk Reactions

Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

Reactions to ZetaTalk vary:

astonishment at the correlation’s to personal experiences or what the reader takes to be intuitive knowledge

a conclusion that a group of people, not a single woman, must be writing ZetaTalk

a suspicion that the entire work is an elaborate ruse or joke, but with nagging doubts due to personal corollaries

with truth that are encountered while perusing the work

a suspicion that ZetaTalk is a front for the government, especially after reading our rather open admissions about

our relationship with MJ12

a deep feeling of unease, especially if the reader is religious and has encountered our statements on organized


shock, if the reader is versed in one or more of the sciences and encounters not only a grasp of their specialty

but answers that resolve puzzles that dumbfound human scientists

jealousy, if the reader has ambitions to have a popular web site and an avid readership, but has been ignored,

confusion as to why we, the Zetas, would select an unknown middle aged woman to be our emissary

In all cases, the conclusions stem as much from the mind and orientation of the reader as they do from ZetaTalk itself.

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ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

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ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger

Note: written during the Apr 19, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

ZetaTalk has had a tumultuous history, with those embracing it demanding perfection, within the guise of human

understanding, and protection, as though the messenger had responsibility for sanctity from the impact of the message,

and vicious attacks by those not wanting to hear the message in the first place. Thus, friend and foe are hardly

discernible. Human astrophysics states that Planet X could not have an orbit such as we have described, a sling orbit

past two foci, back and forth, rather than round and round. Yet Planet X is approaching dead on toward the Sun during

the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, exactly as we have described. Human astrophysics also states that the

speed of Planet X during its rapid approach from the mid-point between its two foci until it enters the solar system just months ahead of the passage is not possible. Yet within the reign of ZetaTalk as the prime messenger, this has

occurred exactly as we predicted.

As part of the debunking campaign, it was asserted that since Planet X is a brown dwarf, and human astrophysics only

applies such a term to gaseous planets many times larger than Jupiter, it would be monstrous when within our solar

system. Thus primed, many demand that ZetaTalk explain why it is not filling the skies with its size in the weeks

before the passage. Those embracing ZetaTalk but demanding that the message be rewritten to comply with human

astrophysics or human understanding are not embracing the message or even thinking clearly or for themselves, they

are simply demanding a lack of conflict. "Tell me what to believe, and reconcile every statement with every other statement", they cry, as they cannot or are unwilling to sort the facts out for themselves, being infantile in this regard.

Likewise those demanding protection, rescue, are infantile. The one delivering the message frightened them, so is

responsible for replacing the fear with comfort. Here again the human is not taking responsibility for themselves, but is

stomping their foot like a child, expecting others to rush in and act as a parent. If the weatherman reports a storm, do they call the weather station and demand delivery from the storm? In fact, this is their first impulse, to utter “What are

you going to do about it! ” when bad news is announced, but they have learned by derision to suppress this impulse in

human society. Their prayers are regularly pleas for improvements in their own lives, demands made of God to fix the

dilemma he has placed them in. Since we, the Zetas, are presumed powerful, and interactions with aliens not a settled

matter in human society, they are trying for what they can get.

Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though

primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes,