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being cut off from information, from chats, we suggest that the answer lies in attention to the Service-to-Other

lifestyle! It is this that is your ticket!

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ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

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ZetaTalk: After the Cataclysm

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Each human life lives out its term, with the entity incarnated growing with the opportunities presented, or shrinking

from them. Those humans remaining alive after the pole shift will reform into small groups, leaning toward this

orientation or another, Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self, or being composed of the same mix that human society has

today. Where the trauma of the cataclysms will have been great, those who undergo a natural cataclysm often find this

easier to accept than the steady grind of manmade hardships. For the vast majority of those killed during the

cataclysms, death will have been so quick as to be unexpected and unfelt. No anxiety and no pain. This knowledge

will assuage the grief of the survivors. After the cataclysms the hardships will not be unlike those experienced by

humanity during prior centuries, where severe weather or drought or disease created hardship for the populace. It is

only recently that human society, in the developed world, has come to expect that life should be otherwise.

Note: below added during the July 27, 2002 Live Zetatalk IRC Session.

The US government will be diminished, as will all governments, to a very small locale. Someone landing on the planet

5 years after the shift would be hard pressed to even find their enclave, and this will be true of Australia, Russia, and China. The enclaves will be locale, within walking distance only, yet will be filled with the arrogance of continuing

power, such plans. Like the Pope and his entourage, a small group convinced the world is waiting for them, ready to

follow, a myth that will be a shock to them when they spread out and find no one cares nor listens.

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ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

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ZetaTalk: Natural Resources

Note: written Aug 15, 1995.

Given man's rapacious nature, at the current rate of population explosion, most of the Earth's biological resources

would be exterminated within decades. Those that remained, beyond cultivated crops and animals, would be deep

within the sea or in barren cold places where pollution had not spread because man did not choose to live there. The

cataclysms, of course, will change all that, more than evening the odds between man and nature. But were it not for the

cataclysms, mankind would utterly destroy the biological diversity of this world, plundering the seas until chain

reactions set in to decimate populations not even targeted by man. Penguins, who eat fish, cannot migrate to warmer

climates if the fish decline - they can only weaken and succumb to the cold. Kelp beds, the great oxygen machine of

the Earth, are already damaged by the harsh rays of the Sun which the depleted ozone layer is failing to filter. The kelp

beds stand at the base of the food chain for many thousands of life forms, in one form or another. For instance, some

life forms require the kelp beds for protection, shelter. On land man's senseless greed has left so many scars we need

not retell the tragedy.

Where ecological battles are sometimes won, the line held, the steady press of teeming masses of humans would soon

turn the tide. Everything would be sacrificed, as has always been the case. Except for isolated instances of land

purchased for parks, or set aside for wild life, when has man not simply rolled over the landscape like a horde of

locusts, leaving in its wake dead waters reeking of noxious chemicals, top soil blown to the winds, forests clear cut for

the convenience of greedy operators, and wildlife out in the open and without protection hunted to extinction for sport.

Will these trends continue after the Transformation? They will, but due to setbacks during the cataclysms, they will

essentially stop, and as attitudes will change during the Transformation, raping the Earth will cease. The Earth's natural

bounty will be allowed to renew, the new race of man living in harmony, not clashing, with nature.

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ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities

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ZetaTalk: Great Opportunities

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What the civilization of the future will be is open, depending on the free will and motivation of those who can guide

its progress. It would be unfair to those who will be in a position to affect this to speculate. This picture is to be

painted by the artists. The time after the cataclysms, what is termed the Aftertime, will be a time of great opportunity.

Where all the foundations of the past have been shattered, and all is to be rebuilt, there is almost endless opportunity.

The creative nature relishes such times. The courageous will find a bountiful return for their efforts. It will be a time

when the capacities of each can be stretched to their limits, and entities can learn of strengths and talents within

themselves they had not imagined.

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ZetaTalk: Green Movement

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ZetaTalk: Green Movement

Note: written Sep 15, 1996.

One of the trends that will become increasingly evident as the Transformation proceeds is what is termed the Green

Movement, ecology minded groups or individuals that espouse and take action to increase and preserve the Earth's

forests and wetlands. Our concern for the environment has been steadfast during the entire history of our visitation.

Those humans who love the environment and see it as a treasure to be passed forward, have given The Call to those of

like mind like ourselves, and we indeed visit and plot a course as to how that individual human can make a difference.

Man is rapacious. Were the Transformation not around the corner so this would run its course, you would find a

terribly decimated and devastated world. It would not be completely unable to sustain life, but you would live with

much grief over what you had destroyed and destroyed permanently. Raping the Earth is not occurring because

multinational corporate leaders are aware of the coming cataclysms and are trying to get what they can while they

have time. Primarily this activity is progressing because of a press of population, not because of a knowledge that a