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Service-to-Others to do bait and switch. By this we mean to set the Service-to-Self up, leading them to believe they

are about to pounce on Service-to-Others to loot and toy with them, but will instead find themselves trapped in a

basement, with no way out. Bear in mind that trapping a looter, who intends you no service, and giving him what he

planned to give you, is not cruel, it is Karmic justice.

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ZetaTalk: Expose's

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ZetaTalk: Expose's

Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The worm has turned in the US, and this trend will continue throughout the world. In the decades and years past, the

elite, those who used bully tactics on the underclasses, who used wealth to buy a lifestyle living on top of others, and

who manipulated others through lies, lived high and well. As we have stated, the Transformation is now, and the

Council of Worlds and all the spirits in attendance during the Earth's Transformation are not waiting for a pole shift to

begin their work. When did the Transformation begin? When the Earth was polled for its vote, just barely ahead of the

time of Roswell, this set the stage for the Transformation. When the poll was in, a true vote where every incarnating

soul on Earth had equal weight, the Transformation began. The sides had already squared off, with the Service-to-Self

forces determined to win Africa and South America for their temporary residence, to reap souls for the Service-to-Self

orientation. As we have announced, the battle in South America has already been won, and Africa is falling away from

the Service-to-Self clutches.

So how is this Transformation progress manifesting, throughout the world? Democracies are on the increase, over the

past 50 years. The Green Movement is on the increase, worldwide, in its influence and membership. And where little

noticed in countries with severe media repression, the truth is increasingly out there. Where are these countries, that

repress? We have stated that Muslim countries are very repressive in this manner, but the US and China and Indonesia

are not that different. Repression is not simply denying information access, it is manipulating the content. In China and

in Muslim countries, access to the internet is restricted or denied. In Indonesia, civil penalties for slight infractions

cause the populace to live in fear. In the US, the major media is so controlled that the public is not aware of issue, or told a slanted version. All these have the effect of restricting truth, as where the citizen is afraid to talk to a neighbor,

or is confused by what they are hearing but cannot investigate as no material exists explaining the issues, all is the


What has changed in the year going into the shift? The power of the truth, in its simplicity, is on stage these days.

Look at how the accounting practices of Enron and Worldcom and other corporations were exposed, recently. What is

behind his? The Transformation, which increasingly is the Service-to-Other outlook that mankind should be

empowered with the truth, allowed to make their own decisions, and not controlled by others inordinately. Each human

wishing this is giving The Call, and each is being answered as to what they can and might be inclined to do. Thus,

human desire, and the assistance of spirits in attendance during the Transformation, are at the helm here. This is

something the elite cannot control, and thus the look of great fear in their eyes these days.

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ZetaTalk: Enron

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ZetaTalk: Enron

Note: written during the Jun 8, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Enron, in the US, collapsed with a mere e-mail made available to an investor, denied the truth. This email was

supposed to be deleted, but was sent instead! A human error assisted by humans assisted by we, the Zetas. Likewise,

the bloated underbelly of corporate interests worldwide are being sliced open, the spilled guts stinking and displayed

for all to see. Enron buried debt, but most corporate interests do far more than that in their desire for more, more, and

the other guy be damned! They bribe, they lie, the auditors hardly that, politicians in pockets and the media diverted

with playgirls and threats. The story far more fascinating than any Hollywood could conjure. Thus, look for more

exposes in all countries, of corruption, of power mongering, with the result that those who though they had the world

by the tail will be on the run, with nowhere to hide.

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ZetaTalk: Worldcom

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ZetaTalk: Worldcom

Note: written during the Jun 29, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Worldcom was an assisted disaster, as others have been since Enron and will be in the future. Given the exposure, to

means and methods, that the Enron collapse reported, why would any company hiding debt wait to be discovered?

They would shred, intimidate, fire and eliminate witnesses, merrily! In spite of the warnings, as to what would be

looked at and by whom, they were discovered. Worldcom indeed had the same auditing company, but this was not the

means of their discovery. Do you have an accountant, in hand, willing to cooperate with the authorities, on

Worldcom? How then did Worldcom meet its demise? Once again, internal memos, intended only for a select few,

made their way out the door.

Shuffled in among papers leaving the building, perhaps left in the copy machine, perhaps in the printer, perhaps

printed in error and routed incorrectly, all is unknown! But the means was not something the Worldcom conspirators

did, by accident or oversight. The means was assisted by we, the Zetas, an allowed interference granted by the Council

of Worlds, to balance choices during this Transformation time in the US. The Bush Administration stole the White

House, and would rule the world, but are being countered by means they cannot counter. All falling into the hands of

an employee with integrity, who discovered this among her work taken home, and duly reported it to those she know

would act upon it.

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ZetaTalk: Repressive Control

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