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strong emotion can be harnessed for good, and it is this characteristic that has impressed and influenced us.

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ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life

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ZetaTalk: Meaning of Life

Note: written Oct 15, 1995.

Humans, unsure of an afterlife and without proof that reincarnation exists, often wonder what the point of it all is. Why

struggle to be good when good guys seem to finish last. Why work to build an empire when disaster can strike and

bring it to ruin. They look around and ask, is this all there is? They wonder if there is a God, or if there is why

atrocities are allowed to occur. It all boils down to the question - what is the Meaning of Life?

Confusion is deliberate during 3rd Density, a relatively short density, as the single lesson to be learned comes to a

focus fastest when the eye cannot see past the horizon. Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other is the decision to be made,

but as this is an emotional and moral decision, rather than an intellectual decision, not knowing the outcome of this

decision keeps the action going in the proper arena. Imagine if youngsters in school were given no descriptions on the

outcome of their curricular decisions. This is a trendy idea which is scarcely followed, as parents and teachers and

family and the media all influence youngsters by pointed references and applause or punishment if not by outright

demands. The youngsters might be entranced by building things with blocks but be told that will only lead to a dirty

job working with one's hands, or be gifted at music and be enthralled in composing music to the exclusion of all other

activities but be reminded just as constantly that performers don't have the lifestyle that white collar professionals can

look to. The youngster's choices, in short, are not made based on their inclinations in the main.

During 3rd Density the spiritual choices to be made crystallize quickest when no influences are allowed to interfere.

Being aware of the outcome during the learning incarnations slows the process because intellectual decisions are made

that are contrary to the emotional and moral leaning, so backsliding and vacillation set in. In situations where 3rd

Density entities are told the outcome of their decisions they almost invariably announce they are Service-to-Other,

when in fact they are dithering between the orientations and haven't decided. Then hypocrisy sets in as self-centered

motives are masked, and when the entity cannot deny to themselves that they are acting with self-centered motives

they may abandon the effort altogether in self-defeating rebellion. When unaware, they are more honest with

themselves, ponder the results of actions and how they feel about this more openly, try various alternatives more

playfully, and in general proceed with the business at hand in a more genuine manner.

During the Transformation few entities complete their 3rd Density lesson under the duress of the rapid pace of change.

Some entities leaning toward the Service-to-Other rise to the opportunities presented to do greater acts of service.

Many entities leaning strongly toward the Service-to-Self act out their orientation choice without hesitation, practicing

for the life they are sensing awaits them, where the spoils go to the strongest and boldest. Those entities who are

incarnated undecided into the Transformation, which is now, almost invariably remain in that state, as the increasing

polarization in the world around them detracts from, rather than adds to, their own introspective search.

Thus, the Meaning of Life during 3rd Density is to determine your spiritual orientation, which we can tell you now as

we are well within the Transformation.

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ZetaTalk: Misinterpreted Messages

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ZetaTalk: Misinterpreted Messages

Note: written Nov 15, 1995.

Many efforts have been made in the past to prepare the people of Earth for the coming cataclysms and the spiritual

Transformation that will follow. These efforts are reflected in the general perception that the approaching millennium

will bring great change, perhaps the End of the World, perhaps a Rapture into a state of bliss, a Heaven on Earth,

perhaps the appearance of an Antichrist, a nuclear holocaust, or all of these possibilities at once. As with most serious

messages given to those who can only partially understand, the messages were misinterpreted - partly understood,

partly misunderstood, partly skipped altogether, and partly generated by the listener to fill in the blanks. Most serious

efforts to impart information about the coming pole shift and spiritual Transformation to follow have included the


Death and destruction of massive proportions with whole cities destroyed utterly [End of the World].

An increasing polarization of the orientations with an aggressive last-minute effort by the Service-to-Self to

influence potential converts [Antichrist].

Rescuing the Service-to-Others oriented from the cataclysms, briefly, and then returning them to a world

scheduled to become a home for the Service-to-Others [Rapture].

The Transformation of human society to Service-to-Other communities as only the Service-to- Others are

allowed to incarnate on Earth [Heaven on Earth].

Where the above parallels the Christian understanding of the coming millennium, other cultures and religions will

likewise have parallel myths and prophecies. If one reads them with insight they almost make sense.

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ZetaTalk: Who to Believe

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ZetaTalk: Who to Believe

Note: written Aug 15, 1996.

We have explained that many channels are false, claiming to channel either for personal glory and attention or to

deliberately disinform, and that true channels often speak poetically in metaphors and analogies or become so

fascinated with a concept that they give it undue emphasis. We have also explained that many prophecies become

misinterpreted messages due to the ear of the listener wishing to hear what they want to believe. Thus, the brief rescue

that those firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation have been offered during the worst moments of the pole shift has

been interpreted as the Ascension by Christians. We have also explained that the exact year of the pole shift is

erroneously reported by many true channels, either because the human channel wants to deny what is in their future or

because the aliens themselves are reluctant to give humans such terrifying news when there is little that most can do

about it, and where dates have been reported in antiquity the measures by which the prophecy can be determined as a