[2/5/2012 11:31:55 AM]
ZetaTalk: Ugly Aliens
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ZetaTalk: Ugly Aliens
Note: written on May 15, 1996
One's interpretation of beauty is influenced by what one is familiar with, and is also directed by the life form's built-in self defense instincts. Humans instinctively avoid food that is rotten, and are attracted to food that smells fresh. Men
see beauty in women who have full hips, slender waists, and ample bosoms - all traits that indicate the ability and
readiness to bear young. Both sexes find a diseased partner unattractive - a safe guard against spreading infections or
perpetuating genetic diseases. In some primitive parts of the world tattoos or pictorial scarification is considered
strikingly attractive, but in other cultures where clothing of all kinds is abundant, such use of the skin as an outer
garment would be shunned.
Thus, when contactees report visits from life forms that startle or even horrify them, this is not an indication of malevolent intent. A life form that looked like a slime covered horned toad or an amphibious octopus is not a life form
humans would instinctively cuddle up to . Humans, due to their evolutionary roots, are inclined to think about dinner or avoidance when encountering such creatures, not about communion. The global shift in thinking that humans make
when realizing that they are not alone as an intelligent species includes contemplating what this means. It does not mean sitting around a table chatting with other very human-looking aliens, an image the media has portrayed. Humans
should bear in mind, when making these adjustments, that their appearance may be just as disgusting to their visitors.
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ZetaTalk: Contactee Creativity
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ZetaTalk: Contactee Creativity
Note: written on Apr 15, 1996
Creativity is variously described as the ability to think outside the bounds constraining others, the ability to include
what would normally be considered unrelated information, and forming the diverse parts into a unique pattern or
solution. Fresh, unique, clever, bold, or revolutionary are terms applied to creative thinking. Some humans are born
with what seems to be native creativity, and even as toddlers seem to find solutions for problems that stymie others.
Indeed, brain chemistry is a factor in creativity, as the capacity to sustain activation in many parts of the brain
increases the bridging, the association between concepts, that is the basis of thought. It has long been recognized that
bi-polar, or manic-depressive individuals are almost routinely creative, a factor of their highly active mental
capacities. A non-creative individual, faced with having to cross a river without a bridge or boat at hand, might
conclude that wading or swimming is the only option and promptly get wet, whereas their creative counterpart might
test the water's depth and force of flow and devise stilts from nearby saplings.
Contactees are frequently discovered to be developing creativity, seemingly as a result of their visitations. In these instances there is no change in their brain chemistry. What is occurring is an attitude change, the breaking down of boundaries, the mind stretching to consider many possibilities, a broadening of the contactee's vistas so that they
encompass a wider range of possibilities in their everyday thoughts while in human society - a visitation perk.
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ZetaTalk: Shared Visions
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ZetaTalk: Shared Visions
Note: written on Apr 15, 1997
Not surprisingly, with something as momentous as a pole shift just around the corner and the ongoing Transformation
of the Earth into a home for 4th Density entities operating in the Service-to-Other, contactees come away from their
visitations with similar visions. A world devastated in some manner, some emergency they must rise to address, acting
in concert with aliens operating space ships, rescuing other humans, and migrating to certain locales in the midst of
some sort of crisis. Often they have difficulty placing the emergency, as the world around them marches on as before.
When these contactees encounter each other or read each other's stories, they recognize the similarity. As the pole shift approaches and the Earth responds to her approaching brother with increased earthquakes and a slowing rotation, the
sense that the time is approaching heightens. These contactees are poised to rapidly put the pieces of the puzzle
together when the time is right, and have a deep sense of certainty about this. They wonder, but feel somehow they
know the answer.
Increasingly, as contactees work behind the scenes in concert with each other and the alien groups visiting them, they
will find their shared visions are more specific and immediate. Contactees who have found each other and are working together on shared endeavors often recall similar visitations on the same day, or have a sense of a change in focus on
the same day. They may even recall seeing each other during a visitation! These shared visions are no more surprising
than if they had attended a meeting together, discussed issues, made notes, and agreed upon a course of action. In fact,
this is in essence what occurred! Shared visions are one of the most accurate and specific signs that contactees have
that their recall is not imagination. Nevertheless, for others outside of the contactee group working together, the
recitation of these shared visions is relatively meaningless. The element of doubt, required to reduce anxiety in others
who are not contactees and are still to be awakened, is still present.
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ZetaTalk: Arrangements
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ZetaTalk: Arrangements
Note: written on Apr 15, 2002
Humans are in the main only subliminally aware of their contactee role. They are also thus only subliminally aware of
the other humans they meet during visitations. As we have explained, many humans are meeting regularly during the
visits with other humans, planning their roles during the times moving into the shift, their roles during the shift itself, and in particular their roles in the Aftertime. These roles are, as we hardly need mention, inter-related and coordinated by the contactees themselves and their alien visitors, as a team. What sorts of activities might be planned?
Prior to the shift, accidental meetings among humans who then become acquainted with each other in the
conscious mode. This facilitates later meetings when they will be conscious, as they will better recognize each
other and not hesitate to work fully with each other.
During the shift, the roles are often involving guiding groups to safety, though many roles involve staying with
those doomed to help them understand what has occurred. During the shift, there will be attempts by the elite to
prevent awareness of the coming changes until it is too late. Thus, a role during the shift might be leaking
information, breaking this cover-up with the truth.
The roles in the Aftertime will be diverse, depending upon skillsets and the climate the contactee is used to
functioning in. For instance, a contactee who is an Eskimo might find life in the tropics of Alaska uncomfortable
and not making best use of their skills. They may be expected to arrive in suddenly frozen land, to help those
surviving there understand how to proceed.
Now, given this kind of volunteering and coordination, what might a contactee, unaware consciously of his status,
expect? They may find themselves in a book store, browsing books they have previously not had an interest in. They
may find themselves drawn, impelled, toward a particular location such as a park, on a certain day, and find
themselves talking to an otherwise stranger as though a friend. This is not an accident, this was a plan. Both contactees met, earlier, and deciding they needed to get consciously aquatinted so as to lessen time loss when the
workload was upon them, made this plan. Both determined the time and location, and both set out that day to meet each other. Should either get lost, or delayed, the other would get this message via their visitors, who are monitoring
the meeting to assist and ensure it takes place. These meetings are a desire of the humans involved, who are in essence giving The Call to accomplish this, and thus assisting in this is quite in line with the rules on interference with human affairs.
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