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dark hair and blond hair, in all racial groups. This may be doubted, as the Negro seems to

have only curly dark hair, but in fact there are those occasional births that are treated as a sign

from the gods or more often as a curse to be rid of, in which a straight haired babe is born, or

one with light colored hair. These abnormalities were done away with quickly, in the past,

and thus the gene pool altered. Just as six fingers or webbed fingers are rare, so some blood

types are rare. That these genes express is significant of nothing more than a genetic toss of

the dice and coming together of availability in the mother and father. There is no other

significance in these variations.

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ZetaTalk: On the Increase

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ZetaTalk: On the Increase

Note: written on Nov 15, 1998

As the Transformation progresses, contactee status will become increasingly common. In 1998, we would estimate that

there are perhaps 12,000 true contactees, but this is due for an exponential rise as the Awakening progresses. People

are increasingly allowed to see space ship displays, en mass with their friends and neighbors, so that there can be no

doubt as to what they are seeing. Therefore, they are willing to reach out and explore the possibility of life elsewhere, of visitors to their Earth, and thus become contactees. In this count, we are not including Star Children. Incarnated Star Children are not considered by us to be contactees, they are themselves visitors. Their number ranges, depending upon

walk-in status, between several hundred thousand upwards toward a million.

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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

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ZetaTalk: Protection/Healings

Note: written on Sep 15, 2002

There is much desire among mankind, those who are contactees or not, for some sort of protection during the coming

times. They look to their gods, to their governments, to their circle of family and friends, and see these will be lacking.

Hearing of some protections, or healings, being given to humans by aliens, hope leaps into their hearts. We have, as

other valid alien channels have, explained that some healing is done, and some protections given. Where is the line drawn, and how can one apply for this? Healings are done under two circumstances, only.

1. because the person needing help as someone who loves them so intensely, is willing to sacrifice themselves for

that person, and is aching to do somethihg, anything, to help. In this circumstance, it is an Service-to-Others call, of the highest order, and may be answered by Service-to-Others aliens who step in and give that person their

wish. Healings are never done because the person needing help begs for themselves. A theoretical Service-to-

Others requesting to help a Service-to-Self person would not be honored, as Service-to-Others aliens could

hardly interface with a strongly Service-to-Self person. To be effected, the person must be willing to allow the

aliens wanting to intervene to assist, and an Service-to-Self person would shrink from such contact.

2. because the person needing help is in a position, during this Transformation, that their demise or disability would

be considered detrimental to programs the Council of Worlds considers of highest importance. ZetaTalk is an

example of this, certainly not the only such program, nor the highest importance, but known to those reading it

so will be used as an example. Should Nancy take sick, and be unable to respond to interview requests or

answer email, what would the impact be? She may not be asking, but those considering the wide range of

Tranformation activities dependent upon her message reaching certain populations, are concerned. Thus, her

potential cancer or heart attack is corrected, should it arise.

Protections are done in a similar manner, prevention of illness, but most often prevention of assassination. This has

been done in the past, as the Oahspe mentioned, during the birth of the US as a democracy, as a major influence in the

world. The Oahspe states that bullets were caught in the hands of angels, rather than proceeding to the assassination

attempt goal. In like manner, many, many individuals during the Tranformation are being protected, unbeknownst to

them. This is not because someone giving the Call desires to be protected, which is in almost every case a self focused request, but because someone else has determined that their activities are of key importance to others. Thus, the best

hope of being protected, or healed, is to not think of oneself, but of others, intensely, and take action to help others.

This is the Service-to-Others hallmark, as when the person is doing this, they think not of themselves.

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ZetaTalk: Channeled Messages

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ZetaTalk: Channeled Messages

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Channeling is an activity that involves the temporary possession of a human body, in order to relay a message. The

message can be in many forms - dance, music, prose, or pronouncements. Most channel instruments, the humans

allowing their bodies to be temporarily used, know when this has occurred, and so does the intended audience. The

channeled message is different from what the human, who in most cases is familiar to the audience in some way,

would have produced. Most channeling is done to produce words, the effect of which can be broad reaching as it can

be translated into many languages, and shared repeatedly. Channeled dance is brief and fleeting, and prose has impact

on a smaller audience in general than written works. Channeled music is also somewhat limited, as the appreciation for

music varies by culture. Therefore most forms of channeled information are the written word.

Many channels are imperfectly attuned to the entities they are putting in the driver's seat. Such a simple matter as

constipation or a headache can interfere. Most definitely, the human channel's own fixed concepts can interfere, as

surely as a locked steering wheel will cause a car to go in a circle. If the channel is blind the entity trying to channel cannot see what is being written, as the entity is in contact with the mind of the channel. If the entity passes a concept to the channel and due to ruts in the mind of the channel this concept loops about and emerges other than what the

entity intended, the channeled message has been distorted. This is why we frequently advise to read channeled works

almost as poetry, for the underlying theme, and not to get stuck on some detail that seems out of sync. In this way