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contactees for group meetings, the aliens coordinating these group meetings are presented

with endless scheduling difficulties. Many times when one contactee is free to have some

missing time, the others are busy at work, as coordination may span the globe. One way

around this matter is to get an exception from the Council of Worlds so that the contactee

can be moved forward into the future for the meeting, then returned, and thus experience

no missing time but rather a doubling of time in the near future. This is seldom done, due

to the administrative complexity.

Another method available to the busy alien visitors assisting with the Transformation is what could be termed a stand-

in, where the contactee thinks they are in two places at once. Essentially the process is this:

The contactee is picked up in the normal manner and taken to his group meeting. During this time the meeting is

being recorded in his subconscious, in the usual manner, and he is, on a gut level, fully aware of the meeting

content, participants, and any resolve as a result of the meeting. In other words, the meeting has taken place as


Simultaneously an alien steps into the physical surroundings and activities the contactee would have been

involved in, had they not been picked up for the group meeting. This alien mentally records the events,

transferring this mental image with full sight and sound and sense of touch to the conscious of the contactee,

who thus is recording this in their conscious as though they were there.

Following the group meeting, the contactee is returned to their setting and picks up seamlessly in the ongoing

activities, so that consciously they do not register any disruption at all. The activities conducted by the stand-in

bear the mark of the contactee, as while mentally transferring the situation to the contactee, the alien stand-in is

also receiving reactions from the contactee as to what steps they would take next, etc.

This method has some wear and tear on the contactee, in that brain chemistry is exhausted

more rapidly than the humans physiology is designed to replenish. Thus, this method is not

used for long periods of time, or done repeatedly within a day, unless the situation absolutely

requires that such steps be taken.

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ZetaTalk: Standing In

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ZetaTalk: Invisibility

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ZetaTalk: Invisibility

Note: written on May 15, 1996

Some contactees have reported experiencing intermittent invisibility, where others in the room seem unaware of them,

or they themselves cannot see their reflections in a mirror or their hand before their face. What is being reported here

is not invisibility but an Out-Of-Body experience, where the human is unfamiliar with the experience and does not

know what to make of it. When Out-Of-Body the spirit collects impressions of sight, smell, and even the sense of

touch, being attuned to this from its residence in the human body, and relays these to the human's mind upon return,

building a memory. To the human, this all seems real, and they thus conclude they must have been invisible, as indeed they were to the other humans in the drama.

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ZetaTalk: Over the Eons

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ZetaTalk: Over the Eons

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

We, the Service-to-Others Zetas, have been involved with humans long before recorded history. Therefore let us refer

to what humans call carbon dating, the capture of carbon atoms in an organic remnant that shows the presumed age of

the remnant. The theory goes, since carbon in the natural free state in the atmosphere has such a ratio of

characteristics, and the carbon in the organic remnant has a different ratio of characteristics, then the remnant has

aged. In general this theory is correct, but in practical fact is too flawed to pinpoint with accuracy the exact

millennium, much less the exact century or decade. We will refer, therefore, to the stage of human development, as

humans understand these stages. This is to say, the human understanding is spotty. They have some of the pieces, but

not all. They are still looking for the missing link, for instance, and arguing among themselves as to whether there was

one origin, Africa, or numerous origins. There were numerous origins. Each race, and there have been six, has had a

different origin. We were involved as observers from the start. We have been around, as visitors, continuously since

that time, responding to The Call as it occurred.

The Earth has been visited by many alien groups since mankind's earliest stages, long before mankind was genetically

engineered into intelligence, its present form. The marks left on human culture are so extensive as to preclude a list.

Some of these influences are well known, in Egyptian and ancient Sumerian culture, or the Vedic writings, where

visits from the 3rd Density hominoids from the 12th Planet left their mark, and holy books such as the Bible and

Koran, a battleground between the original Service-to-Others authors and later Service-to-Self additions. Less well

known are the influences in China, where the geneticists creating China Man influenced the culture left behind. Quiet

moments in the garden, respect for wisdom and each other, and appreciation of the little things in life such as the song

of the bird, are such marks. Also little known is the American Indian culture, assumed to be self developed by the

Indians as they lived, isolated from the greater world. The Indians are not so aware of what they call shape shifting

without reason. Their myths of spirit forms met in the woods and their own flights are based on true encounters, where

they went Out-Of-Body and afterwards could not forget.

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ZetaTalk: Visitor Traces

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ZetaTalk: Visitor Traces

Note: written on Aug 15, 1996

The Earth has been visited for eons, long before mankind walked the Earth. Your Earth is fertile and full of life, an

endless source of interest to the curious. Just as travelers on long sea voyages, or trekking long distances over

continents, were lost to their human families, just so these visitors on occasion lost their moorings. They died, and

their companions were not able to locate their remains. Dead tissue is dead tissue, and it does not speak but rather

blends into the surrounding forest or swamp, lost to those anxiously looking for a companion. Humans are aware that

their technology is not perfect, and this lack of perfection is always present. The phone may be but a fingertip away