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ZetaTalk: Knocking

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ZetaTalk: Knocking

Note: written on May 15, 1996

Frequently contactees report a knocking sound preceding their visitations, and almost invariably interpret this as a

signal of some kind. Humans, of course, knock on doors, tap out Morse Code, beat on drums to send messages through

the wilderness, and tap their feet or drum their fingers to express impatience. If they hear knocking, what else could it be? Density shifting is most often silent, with only the airspace disturbed. A ship suddenly appearing high in the sky,

displacing a few molecules of thin air, creates at most a light change in the breeze. Large or sudden displacement of air can create sound, as thunder claps following a lighting flash attest. Arriving or maneuvering aliens, who do not arrive

all at once lest they collide with each other at the staging point, create sudden movement in the air space in confined or delimited settings. Clap, clap, the aliens have arrived!

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ZetaTalk: Various Groups

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ZetaTalk: Various Groups

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Visitations are occurring between literally hundreds of alien groups and human contactees. Some of these alien groups

are on Earth only briefly, for perhaps only one contact with one individual, and this either out of curiosity or due to a very specific mission. Other alien groups, like ourselves, have been around for eons, and have an intense interest in the future of Earth, our future home. The Sirians, Pleiadeans, and Nordics, among other commonly reported Service-to-Other groups, are not so intensely interested as we, but are here primarily out of a sense of service. Their missions are as numerous as they themselves, as opportunity abounds. Like ourselves, they must wait for The Call from a human,

and then depending upon the situation, the goals of the human, and the requested guidance from the visitor, they

jointly may be of service to the Earth and its many inhabitants.

The hand of the various groups can sometimes be seen in the type of endeavor undertaken by the human who gave

The Call. For instance, Pleiadeans are intent on educating humans in the pleasant nature of 4th Density Service-to-

Other existence, the sense of community and potential for being playful and having fun. The Sirians are more war like,

have this history in their past, and take The Call from humans who could use logistical advice during confrontations.

Nordics are very scientific and intellectual, and dislike the spotlight. They thus work behind the scenes, and their

contactees are never heard of.

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ZetaTalk: Life Form Orientations

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ZetaTalk: Life Form Orientations

Note: written on May 15, 1996

A small number of contactees, those who we anticipate will act as a catalyst during the Awakening, are shown line-ups

of alien life forms. There are many planets, many worlds, with similar physical components. Life forms with similar

DNA, such that the contactee can breath the same air. The contactee might not fare that well on their worlds, but he

would certainly not die instantly. And thus he is allowed to be in the same vicinity as the life forms being presented, to speak to them, and to begin to integrate the concept of being what some have termed a galactic citizen. This gradual

orientation, which is done in stages so as not to overwhelm the contactee, usually progresses from hominoid life forms

to lifeforms humans have never encountered on Earth. In between are reptilian life forms or water creatures such as a

jellyfish or an octopus.

Our emissary, Nancy, has been presented with such lineups, and relayed these experiences in her own words within

ZetaTalk. The contactee may or may not consciously remember these orientation sessions, depending on how actively

they seek to establish recall. Nevertheless, they are oriented, and when an opportunity to communicate their

understanding arises are quick to help their fellows to a broader view. Invariably, there is initial shock at the wide

variety of intelligent life forms.

Humans tend to get through the lineup of hominoids with little trouble, become stunned when they first encounter life

forms not known on Earth, and progress to a tolerance for almost anything thereafter. When contactees begin to allow

themselves to recall these presentations, they usually start with images they find acceptable. This can lead to

confusion, when hominoids are in the lineup, due to different rules or protocols in the different cultures. For instance, a hominoid from another world might mimic each expression on the contactees face, and this be taken as mocking,

where on the world the visiting hominoid came from to do less than this indicates a lack of sympathy for the emotion

felt by the other, an insult. This would be similar to protocol in Asia where deeply bowing to each other from the waist

is the norm, as a courtesy, and to not do so is considered an insult.

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ZetaTalk: Other Names

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ZetaTalk: Other Names

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding whether we go by other names besides the Zeta name. We do, among ourselves. However, we go by the

name you call us, when contacting humans. Since the Hill episode, when we were closely and correctly associated with

the Zeta Reticuli star system, the citizens of the United States and the media and UFOlogists have called us Zetas. To

you, therefore, we are the Zetas. Our contactees know who they are dealing with, without the necessity of names.

Names are not needed in close interactions, among familiars. The babe recognizes its mother. The worker his everyday

co-worker. Names are needed for the supraorganization that human society has put into place - schools, military

service, and payroll systems for instance.

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ZetaTalk: Fairy Tales

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ZetaTalk: Fairy Tales

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Have we, the Zetas, ever been inspirational to mankind, giving birth to myth and music? We certainly hope so.

However, we cannot take credit for the work of others - the artists, poets, authors, or composers who may have been

inspired by contact with us. Such things as a rocky seaside are inspirational, but certainly are not given credit of the

works for art that follow. We are being inspirational as we speak, by communicating to you through ZetaTalk. Were it