not for our presence, and our willingness to answer, ZetaTalk would not have occurred.
Myths that may have been inspired due to our presence are few, as we are behind-the-scenes workers in the main.
Fairy tales of goblins in the night, wispy creatures who disappeared by fading into the woods and seemed to float have
to some degree been inspired by us. The Brothers Grim also records fairies in the woods, not seen but doing good
works such as setting those searching for lost children onto the right path. We represent the unseen, in some of these
stories, as this is the method by which we work. People correctly ascribed to us the characteristics of being able to
appear and disappear. And like any stranger, we got assigned many deeds not of our doing. Who took the cake, spilled
the milk, stole the rattle from the baby. The fairies did it. But likewise some good deeds, those done by us but mostly
done by good hearted humans not wanting a fuss made over them, were ascribed to us. It balanced out.
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ZetaTalk: Electrical Disturbances
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ZetaTalk: Electrical Disturbances
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
The media dramatizes electrical disturbances because, in truth, this route was used by ourselves in the 1950's to
impress MJ12 and gain a greater audience with them. The winking out of lights over a broad area, dramatized in Close
Encounters of the Third Kind, indeed occurred. However, it is not true that this regularly happens when space ships come into the area, and any stories using this as a prop should be suspect. We enter and leave your density, 3rd
Density, without disturbing anything outside of the exact spot where the ship is to materialize. Therefore, tales of lights dimming in the house, cars stalling, TV sets flickering, or an aerie glow are patently false.
This is another instance where one cannot disprove the proposition, as afterwards there is no mark or evidence to point
to. We will point out, however, that electrical devices subjected to such a brownout are frequently damaged. A
blackout, where the electrical flow just stops, does no damage as this is a normal parameter which happens when the
off switch is thrown. Brownouts are not anticipated, and thus a TV or computer frequently has to be reset or repaired
afterwards. Tales of electrical disturbances often include a stalled car which restarts by itself. How would this occur,
when under normal circumstances a starter must be used. The electrical boost needed to start a car is relatively high,
with the electrical flow thereafter at a maintenance level. The car starts because the cylinders are being cranked, by
electricity, but thereafter this cranking is done by combustion in the chambers. Why would the electricity surge when returning? Thus, for more than one reason, this proposition can thus be disproved.
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ZetaTalk: Bright Lights
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ZetaTalk: Bright Lights
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
Visitation scenes in the media are dramatized. At one extreme humans may be brutally abducted or returned dazed and
injured, and at the opposite extreme they are drawn toward the light. Landed or landing space ships are depicted as
bathed in brilliant, blinding light. This is patent nonsense, and never occurs. Visitations are to be low key, registered only in the subconscious of the contactee, and the visit secreted so as to protect the contactee from ridicule and
hostility. Does it then follow that visitations would be so blatantly announced? There are no unusual lights surrounding visitations, and any stories to the contrary are false. In some cases what a contactee reports is expanded by the media,
who do contactees no service by such misrepresentation.
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ZetaTalk: On The Phone
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ZetaTalk: On The Phone
Note: written on Oct 15, 1996
A consistent theme among visitation studies is the phone call from an alien, or what is assumed by the human to be an
alien. There are several problems with this theory, all of which point to the phone call, if indeed it occurred, as being from an entity other than of alien origin.
All visitations over the past half century, from either orientation, have been recorded only in the contactee's
subconscious. This is perrules visitors are required to follow, and should they break these rules they are
henceforth banned and can no longer have an effect on the Earth's Transformation. Beyond being banned, any
such deliberate infraction is counterproductive as it would be corrected in short order - in effect the event would
be erased. But corrective action is almost never required, as the mechanisms put into place by the Council of
Worlds are such that as the conscious visitation is being planned by an alien visitor, their plans are being
countered. Thus, such events simply do not happen.
Effective visitations make use of all the senses, not only the sense of hearing. Visitations involve touch,
telepathic transmission of concepts and feelings, smell, visual impressions, and increasingly the social
interaction of other humans in mutual plans. Using the phone is equivalent to using the teletype rather than a
face-to-face visit. It would not be the means of choice, and in fact would not even be in the running. The
telephone is a human device, used as a convenience by humans at a distance from one another, as they have no
better means. Alien visitors have all manner of better means at their disposal.
If alien visitors cannot, and would not, use the phone, they who would do so? Clearly this is a medium the
secret government in the past, and the establishment today, would choose. Unless prepared to do so, most
recipients of phone calls can't trace the origin. Phone calls are safe, and strange metallic sounding voices or odd
sounds in the background are easy to effect. Thus, there indeed are some humans who receive phone calls
purporting to be from aliens. There are also humans claiming to have received such phone calls who are simply
perpetrating a fraud.
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ZetaTalk: Radio or TV
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ZetaTalk: Radio or TV
Note: written on Jun 15, 1999