hoping for contact, but draw back. They wish to be in contact, but put a toe in the water and jerk it right back out. Of
course it’s upsetting. Of course they can’t anticipate what they are going to encounter. But they won’t be destroyed.
They will come back whole. The worst that can happen is that they will have some new concepts.
Contactees exhibiting fear of contact are not stating they wish for the visitation to end. If this were truly the case, it would end, promptly. They are simply stating that they are nervous about some aspect of the visitation. They are
chatting with aliens, a presence those in authority have refused to even acknowledge. They are going off with
strangers, something their mother told them never to do. They are going in alone, and for many humans, who wouldn't
even venture to the local bar without companions, this in and of itself is a big step. They are anticipating mild physical discomfort, if they are a volunteer in the hybrid program. And they may have requested frank information on the
Transformation but be anticipating, correctly, that this will not be sugar coated. All very understandable - just mixed
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ZetaTalk: Contact with Children
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ZetaTalk: Contact with Children
Note: written on Jan 15, 1996
Those who are alarmed by the trends the Transformation is taking are particularly alarmed about what they term the
abduction of children. Beyond the apprehension that something wretched might be happening to a vulnerable and
impressionable child is a very different alarm - that we are getting them young and there is no way they can stop it.
Cases where youngsters have been harmed by contact with aliens in the Service-to-Others orientation are nonexistent,
nosebleeds and interrupted sleep notwithstanding. Those in the Service-to-Self are not allowed to affect the physical environment of a child, as given their nature they would surely attempt to maximize terror in those too young to have
perspective. They are only allowed to answer The Call from a youngster on an intellectual basis - a conference.
From our perspective, as Service-to-Other visitors, contact with children is no different from contact with adults. We are essentially speaking to the entity, the spirit within. From our perspective, dealing with humans is to some degree
like dealing with children anyway. Where the young human has not gained wisdom on how the world works, a frame
of reference, they are vastly more open to see a situation for what it is. They don't wear blinders. They don't have
preconceptions. They don't have a vested interest in the status quo.
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ZetaTalk: Recall Dangers
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ZetaTalk: Recall Dangers
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Beyond the rules we are required to follow, we are dealing almost exclusively with our contactees only in the
subconscious because of your societies resistance to our presence, to the alien presence. Conscious recall puts
contactees at odds with society, which is stressful. Until lately, it could also be extremely dangerous, as your
government punished those who spoke of their experiences.
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ZetaTalk: Budd Hopkins
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ZetaTalk: Budd Hopkins
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
Abduction therapists run in two veins - pro-alien and contra-alien. Budd Hopkins is an example of a contra-alien
therapist. He feels visitations are always abusive and there can be no ameliorating circumstances. Aliens should leave humans alone, period. The concept of humans controlling and requesting visitations is not even considered, much less
contemplated. Should an abductee express delight or affection or longing then the abuse has been brain washing. If
they fail to exhibit resentment or fear then they are in denial, and evidence of the buried resentment or fear is found in the abductees general demeanor. Since confidentiality is maintained, this slant can never be validated by outsiders,
who have to take the therapist's word for it. However, given this slant, the treatment is appropriate for those who gave The Call to the Service-to-Self and are suffering because of it.
Most humans leaning toward the Service-to-Self orientation are used to dealing with humans of mixed orientation, and
having their way with them. Following a call to Service-to-Self aliens, wherein the human is making a self centered
request and expects to manipulate the aliens called, they may be in shock. There are few situations on Earth, outside of
prison populations, where all humans in the vicinity may be in the Service-to-Self orientation. Even within prison this is hardly ever the case, so there is almost always someone of mixed orientation to be taken advantage of. In a meeting
with Service-to- Self aliens, the human finds himself out numbered and out gunned, and often goes looking for
sympathy afterwards.
Budd Hopkins is just the thing.
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ZetaTalk: Dr. John Mack
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ZetaTalk: Dr. John Mack
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
Dr. John Mack came under attack by the Harvard establishment not because he dealt with the alien presence as a
reality but because he dealt with it in a pro-alien manner. They are the good guys. They're here to help. Let's embrace
them. Harvard, and its graduates, is tightly bound to the establishment, which hires them at prestigious salaries and
contributes to the alma mater. The establishment, in sympathy with the New World Order crowd, wants the aliens to
go away, or at a minimum for Earthlings to have nothing to do with them. They sought to punish Mack, by taking
away his stripes and hitting him in the pocket book if possible, and almost succeeded. Publicity on their secret hearings forced the proceedings to stop, as the alternative was to dress their mean motives in angelic clothing, and this proved
to be an impossible task.
Was Dr. John Mack accurate in his conclusions, and were any of the accusations thrown his way valid? He chose to