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stealth plane, their ability to hover, pointing their jets downward, allows them to be mistaken for space ships that have anti-gravity capabilities.

Triangular UFO are being seen worldwide at this time, to build a debunking case against all the mass sightings also

occurring worldwide, in case this debunking should be deemed necessary to stop a panic over the alien presence.

Should such a panic occur, the US military would hold a press conference and unveil the new stealth plane, whereupon

the media would announce with great fanfare that UFO's have been explained away! To prepare for such a debunking,

these stealth planes are sent forth to coincide either with a sighting or slightly after. Media coverage of any mass sighting invariably includes either speculation that the UFO was this familiar triangle shape or statements to this effect.

In matters of this cover-up, they've got themselves covered!

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ZetaTalk: Ball UFO

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ZetaTalk: Ball UFO

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Space craft of any of our brethren, or of our counterparts, the Service-to-Self, are not round, as in a ball. This is not aerodynamic, nor does this in any other way adhere to the physics required for travel. In addition, this does not make

best use of the interior space, as any resident of a circular home will tell you - there is automatic wasted space in the ceiling and floor areas, at a minimum. UFOlogists will report that the crafts reported upon invariably have a flattened

or nearly flattened bottom. Circular objects cannot have a stabilized gravity centralization akin to what a flat bottomed craft can. Think about it! A circular object, with a gravity bottom point of one tiny part of the globe, would wobble

about! A flat, or relatively flat, bottom gives many points of reference.

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ZetaTalk: Plasma Ships

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ZetaTalk: Plasma Ships

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Among the false reports of UFO sightings are those that report glowing ships, termed plasma ships. The implication is

that these ships are alive, throbbing, and the occupants flowing about within as though swimming in light. The concept

of a plasma ship is illogical, as beings in light form do not need ships. And why would an object in light form need to assume the shape of a ship? These reported sightings are false, designed only to increase interest in the local shops and hotels, and the supposed documentation supporting these sightings is one of the easiest hoaxes to arrange. Physical

objects filmed or video taped are scrutinized as to shadow, perspective, relative size, color variances, and texture so

that fraud is quickly revealed. Films of light forms which stand alone against a dark background are not subject to such

scrutiny, and thus the fraud can run longer.

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ZetaTalk: Lightning Clouds

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ZetaTalk: Lightning Clouds

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

Lightning clouds are a type of sighting that implies but does not show the ship. This is equivalent to jet trails across the sky or the wake left behind a boat. A stationary cloud bristling with lightning is making the statement - a ship was


The lightning is caused by sudden air displacements when a ship leaves 3rd Density. The air surrounding on all sides

rushes in, and depending on air currents in place at the time will either cause knocking as the air masses clap together

or cloud formation and lightning if the air masses are sliding past each other. Where lightning clouds form the ships

were usually large, and were moving at the point of exit, rather than stationary. Humans who could not see the ship

due to a close blend with the surrounding backdrop are surprised to see a stationary cloud bristling with lightning

topside, as no known weather conditions on Earth produce this phenomena. They correctly assume that something

supernatural has occurred, and since the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind dramatized this phenomena to

indicate an approaching ship, usually suspect that a sighting has occurred.

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ZetaTalk: Mothership Clues

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ZetaTalk: Mothership Clues

Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

Most sightings are of small ships used only for quick, local trips, not the type of ship used for interstellar travel.

Motherships are the home away from home, and carry all manner of equipment, supplies, and facilities that small ships

simply don't have room for. Motherships can be monstrously large, in human terms, far larger than their battleships or

football stadiums. These motherships have the same anti-gravity capability that small ships have, and thus can astonish

human witnesses who see these monsters floating in the air without the aid of roaring jets or whirling blades. Thus,

during the Awakening, motherships are seldom used for sightings, as such sightings are considered too jolting for the

average witness.

Since motherships hide, are there clues that one is about? The dramatic approach of a mothership in the movie Close

Encounters of the 3rd Kind was based on reality, as clouds are the most often used camouflage. A mothership hovering in the vicinity is obvious to anyone watching a suspicious cloud for a length of time, as the small ships that port in and out almost constantly can be seen zipping in and out of the cloud. In 3rd Density, as the entire mothership and contents are during an intense time of activity on Earth's surface, these small ships are quite visible, and in the right light are unmistakable. Are they satellites when they emerge from or disappear into a cloud? Are they human airplanes when no

jet trail or engine noise can be heard? This activity is a mothership clue, a moment of high drama for those witnesses

who understand what they are watching.

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