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ZetaTalk: Just Occurred

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ZetaTalk: Just Occurred

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

Most humans who have been contacted recall this not only in their subconscious but to some degree in their conscious.

This cannot help but happen, as the two parts of your brain were designed to speak to each other, and constant leakage

occurs. As our contacts are placed only in the subconscious, remembering a visitation is not like what an amnesiac recalls, when he allows a reconnection. There, the memory is already in the conscious, only disconnected, laying

quiescent as a fragmented piece.

When a contactee remembers, these conscious memories are being built for the first time, so there is an escalation

process that occurs. Whether while analyzing a dream, or day dreaming, or under hypnosis, the process is essentially

the same. A fragment pops up in the conscious, connected firmly to the subconscious, but at first not connected to any

other conscious memories. However, as the fragment will contain some clues to other parts of the conscious, building

connections to the conscious begins. Wasn't that the borrowed robe worn that night spent at Cousin Joe's on a

spontaneous overnight stay? Isn't that the childhood chum, whom one built a tree house with in the woods behind the

school? Might the sharp bite of pain and temporary soreness remembered, as a tissue sample is taken from the back of

the leg, relate to that odd scar that seemed to just appear one day?

By these means the building begins, and continues apace depending on the willingness to remember. If the contactee is

frightened, or generally using the route of denial to deal with these issues, the recall is blocked. Remembering remains

as disconnected fragments in the conscious, perhaps never to be accessed again. If, however, the contactee desires to

remember, their curiosity greater than their fear and anxiety, building conscious memories picks up steam. Musing on

matters, the contactee makes more and more connections, and his life as a contactee begins to take form. Sometimes

reading about the experiences of others is a trigger, and where this is used by debunkers to claim that contactees are

merely suggestible hysterics, this is in fact the method used thousands of times daily by teachers, therapists, self

improvement gurus, politicians, trial lawyers, preachers, and children appealing to their parents. Don't you remember

when ... imagine a situation where ... remember the last time you ...

Aware contactees, who have done their digging about in the subconscious and have built a solid base in their

conscious almost always try to figure out ways to recall right after a visit. They notice certain correlations. The odd

and untimely desire to take a solitary walk in the woods, the sense that something is different at this moment than just

the moment before, or sometimes they realize they have just returned if their body jerks, or reacts in a startle response, for no reason. Contactees most often know well ahead of time about a pending visit, and their desire to be alone, in the

woods or wherever, is due to their plan to sort this all out afterwards. They arrange a peaceful time for themselves.

Going into a visit, the contactee is aware, telepathically, of the agenda. For instance, if all are going to discuss a

project the contactee is working on, a problem there which the contactee has requested assistance on, the contactee

might suddenly find himself musing about a solution he had not thought of before, and feeling less worried. This is a

solid clue that a visit has occurred.

As we frequently use the paralyzed state to transport contactees, there is often a reaction to having this state lifted. The body reacts, sometimes by being too relaxed for, for instance, a standing position and thus suddenly adjusting the body

musculature to support the stance, and sometimes reacting to the sudden stimulation with a startle reflex. This too is a

solid clue that a visit has just occurred.

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ZetaTalk: Hypnosis

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ZetaTalk: Hypnosis

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

Contactees desiring to recall their visits use various methods, including meditation, induced trance states, and

hypnosis. All these methods are essentially the same, in that they utilize a feature of the human physiology normally in

force during dream states. As the human brain is less than holistic, due to the many genetic engineering passes made

from a combination of reptilian and hominoid sources, it does not speak to itself well. The subconscious is aware of

everything, but where the conscious is only partially aware it is allowed, ostensibly, to be in charge.

During dream states the human conscious is bombarded with information, as the gates are not locked, the guard against

the subconscious let down, and the gap between what the conscious thinks reality is and what the subconscious knows reality to be is filled with a rush of information. To the conscious, which has been blocking unpleasant thoughts, and

picking and choosing what it wishes to weave into its version of reality, this information rush has nowhere to go. Thus

dreams. Humans wake from a dream state and muse about what it might mean - dream analysis, symbolism, perhaps

the id breaking through. Where the flood from the subconscious finds established paths to follow, the dream makes

more sense. Perhaps a family member or friend appears, familiar objects or events. These may in fact have no more to

do with the flood of information than proximity or similarity. As the rush of information pours down pathways, nearby

areas are excited, for instance perhaps the dreamer is processing a flood from the subconscious about an encounter

with a dog, but having no conscious memories about dogs, considered upsetting by the conscious, instead finds long

forgotten childhood memories about a kitten excited. All very confusing.

However, during hypnosis or other deliberately induced trance states the flood of information is controlled. The gates

are let down gradually, and when the information begins to flow from the subconscious as much time as needed is

taken to find where to place it, making connections. This is why recall on a history of visitations seems to proceed

slowly at first, but eventually reaches the point where a slight self induced trance state is enough to bring the memory

of a recent visitation over from the subconscious to the conscious. Visitations are placed only in the subconscious, so a base needs to be established in the conscious upon which to build the conscious memories. For those inexperienced

with hypnosis or other trance state inducement, the key is relaxation and clearing the mind of all activity, all thoughts.