rationale. In our society, no members need fear being rejected. Maintenance is guaranteed, and at the same level for all.
Sexual ownership, the complete possession of the object, is seldom acknowledged as the reason for the marriage rites, but especially in highly conservative societies women are brokered openly. This has no parallel in our society, where ownership of the other does not exist.
The institution of marriage is also relied upon in human society so responsibilities can be parsed out. Uncle Joe has nowhere to go, is now blind and deaf, so the family decides he should move in with his niece as she has married well and lives in a large house with lots of room. Her husband may protest, but as he is stuck in the marriage he will
eventually give in to stop the guilt trips. Again, in our society, Uncle Joe would not have been desperate in the first place. And finally, humans undergo the ritual and wear the rings so that others will understand fully that they desire to be together. Let there be no confusion, they are bonded. Just look at the ring finger, where they are making their
In our society each Zeta is free, and where there is much bonding there is no bondage. Where humans might consider
this a return to the 60's, where free love was the cry and promiscuity the rule, the opposite in fact happens. When not constrained by rules, and given the focus of true service to others, promiscuity does not emerge. Promiscuity most
often is a reaction to oppression. Should one doubt this, just check out a group of Catholic boys out from under the nun's thumb. Lock up the girls! Not having the rules, we skip the resentment and rebellion. Casual or promiscuous sex can also happen in human society because the sex drive is strong and the individual focused on the self. After all,
masturbation can eliminate the itch, so why pass around infection and create unwanted pregnancies if one is thinking about the other? Sexual concourse should be considerate and not undertaken in haste, and is most fulfilling in this
context. Therefore, where we have less bondage, we have more true bonding. And yes, the Zetas do have sex, and pair, even while not procreating through sex at this time.
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ZetaTalk: Reptilian Control
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ZetaTalk: Reptilian Control
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Regarding whether the Zetas, of either orientation, are under the direction of another race, like the Reptilians. This is altogether untrue. This rumor was started due to the characteristics of human society, and the assumptions made as a parallel. In human societies, one race or the other is dominant. The black race is almost invariable subservient. The female of the race is most certainly subservient, even where the black race is accused of being matriarchal. One need only look to Africa, where women bear their young without support from the strutting men, to see their position in the black cultures. The white races are supreme, worldwide. Stratification exists.
Thus, humans assume the same in races from what they term outer space, as though inner space were one place and
outer space another. Is not outer space a collection of many others? The Zeta, of neither orientation, have any
association with alien species humans might term Reptilian. This rumor came about because of close proximity on
encounters, where Service-to-Self groups were in close proximity to each other, and also because the Zetas give the
appearance of being contained and controlled. In humans, this behavior would indicate subservience.
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ZetaTalk: Dictatorial
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ZetaTalk: Dictatorial
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.
Our culture, the Service-to-Others Zetas, allows each entity to flower in their individuality to the fullest. We place no constraints on the individual, who may choose their activities based on their own perception of what they desire to do in service to others. This choice is not jammed down their throats, as is the case in human societies more often than not. This is not a joint decision, as is so often the case in human societies, where the individual is "helped" in their decision by many interested parties. The parents, who expect their investment to maximize. The spouse, who expects
the partner to meet their expectations. The co-worker, who expects the peer to rescue or stand in for them.
We, in our culture, actually meet the principle, and truly allow the individual to chart their course, to actualize, as it is termed in your society. We do this in love, where each individual is aware of the general needs of the society, and can take this into consideration when charting their course. The closest you have to this ideal is the democracy within the United States. However, the ideal is in fact not practiced.
The Zetas are sometimes accused of preventing humanity from charting its own course. Does anyone assume that in
fact humanity is charting its own course? Should the assumed leaders, who by their birth right or by right of ascension, claim a right to dictate humanity's course? How less arrogant is this position than that the Zetas are accused of? This type of complaint comes not from humanity but from the usurpers of humanity's freedom. These accusers should look
to themselves. They will see in the mirror what they accuse the Zetas of being.
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ZetaTalk: Unemotional
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ZetaTalk: Unemotional
Note: written May 15, 1997.
We are clearly more intelligent than the humans we are responding to, but beyond this IQ difference we are also
brooking no nonsense in our replies, and thus the interpretation by some humans that our responses are unemotional.
Sentimentality has its place in developing bonds, but this is not our primary intent during these discourses. Our
bonding activities are engaged in one-to-one with our human contactees, who have given The Call to us due to
the nature of their call being oriented toward Service-to-Others. It is here that we bond and deal with emotions
on our part or on the part of the contactee. In this public forum, sentimentality would be used by our enemies as
a diversion. This tack has been used in the past, within the history of ZetaTalk, so we are speaking from
Our primary purpose is to establish truth, on many matters often deliberately confused by those in what we term
the establishment in human society, so that mankind might arrive at their own conclusions armed with the facts
and insights they are not otherwise allowed to arrive at due to lack of information or distorted or untruthful
information from the establishment. We are not ruthless, unless those who do not wish the facts lined up
impeccably are complaining about the lack of wiggle room they are given.
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