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74. Matthew Levinger, ‘Hardenberg, Wittgenstein and the Constitutional Question in Prussia, 1815–22’, German History, 8 (1990), pp. 257–77.

11 A Time of Iron


1. Sack to Interior Minister Dohna, Berlin, 15 April 1809, cited in Hermann Granier, Berichte aus der Berliner Franzosenzeit 1807–1809 (Leipzig, 1913), p. 401.

2. Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 299.

3. Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, pp. 133–4.

4. Frederick William III, handwritten note of 24 June 1809, cited in Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 302.

5. On these incidents, see Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, p. 139; Heinz Heitzer, Insurrectionen zwischen Weser und Elbe. Volksbewegungen gegen die französische Fremdherrschaft im Königreich Westfalen (1806–1813) (Berlin, 1959), pp. 158–60.

6. Cited in Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, p. 140.

7. The following account is largely drawn from Georg Bärsch, Ferdinand von Schill’s Zug und Tod im Jahre 1809. Zur Erinnerung an den Helden und die Kampfgenossen (Berlin, [1860]).

8. Ibid., p. 25.

9. Klessmann (ed.), Deutschland unter Napoleon, p. 358.

10. Police Chief Gruner to Interior Minister Dohna, report of 2 May 1809, cited in Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 308.

11. Bärsch, Schill, pp. 55, 72, 74, 100–112. On the disposal of Schill’s head, see Wolfgang Menzel, Germany from the Earliest Period with a Supplementary Chapter of Recent Events by Edgar Saltus, trans. Mrs George Horrocks (4th edn, 3 vols., London, 1848–9; Germ. orig., Zurich, 1824–5), vol 3, p. 273.

12. Cabinet order to von der Goltz, 9 May 1809, cited in Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 309.

13. Cited in ibid., p. 306.

14. Blücher to Frederick William, Stargard, 9 October 1809, in Wilhelm Capelle, Blüchers Briefe (Leipzig, [1915]), pp. 32–3.

15. The full text of the memorandum of 8 August 1811 is in Georg Heinrich Pertz, Das Leben des Generalfeldmarschalls General Grafen Neidhardt von Gneisenau (5 vols., Berlin, 1864–9), vol. 2, pp. 108–42.

16. Heinrich von Kleist, ‘Germanien an ihre Kinder’ (1809–14; my translation), reprinted with commentary in Helmut Sembdner, ‘Kleists Kriegslyrik in unbekannten Fassungen’, in id., In Sachen Kleist. Beiträge zur Forschung (3rd edn, Munich, 1994), pp. 88–98, accessed online at http://www.textkritik.de/bka/dokumente/materialien/sembdnerkk.htm; last accessed on 21 April 2004.

17. Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, Die deutsche Turnkunst (2nd edn, Berlin, 1847), pp. vii, 97.

18. Ibid., p. 97.

19. On the egalitarian character of the Turner uniform, see George L. Mosse, The Nationalization of the Masses. Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich (Ithaca, NY, 1975), p. 28.

20. Cited in Simms, Struggle for Mastery, p. 95.

21. Pertz, Gneisenau, vol. 2, pp. 121, 137.

22. A brilliant synthesis of the background to the Franco-Russian conflict, with literature, can be found in Schroeder, Transformation, pp. 416–26.

23. These quotations all come from Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, pp. 352–6.

24. Ompteda to Münster, Berlin, 26 June 1812, in Friedrich von Ompteda, Politischer Nachlass des hannoverschen Staats-und Cabinetts-Ministers Ludwig v. Ompteda aus den Jahren 1804 bis 1813 (5 vols., Jena, 1862–9), vol. 2, p. 281.

25. Draft report of 12 November 1812, cited in Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, pp. 373–4.

26. Cited from a published memoir of 1825 by Johann Theodor Schmidt, in Münchow-Pohl, Zwischen Reform und Krieg, p. 377.

27. Report from Schön, 21 December 1812, cited in ibid., p. 378.

28. Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 362.

29. Frederick William, notes of 28 December 1812, cited and discussed in ibid., pp. 362–4.

30. Wilhelm von Schramm, Clausewitz. Leben und Werk (Esslingen, 1977), pp. 401, 406–8.

31. On the debate over whether there was any form of authorization for Yorck’s action, see Theodor Schiemann, ‘Zur Würdigung der Konvention von Tauroggen’, Historische Zeitschrift, 84 (1900), p. 231, here p. 231. For the details of Yorck’s motivation and planning, see Peter Paret, Yorck and the Era of Prussian Reform 1807–1815 (Princeton, NJ, 1966), esp. pp. 192–4.

32. Yorck to Frederick William, 3 January 1813. The full text is given in Schiemann, ‘Würdigung’, pp. 229–32, here p. 231.

33. Johann Gustav Droysen, Das Leben des Feldmarschalls Grafen Yorck von Wartenburg (3 vols., 7th edn, Berlin, 1875), vol. 1, pp. 209, 215, 226; Paret, Yorck, pp. 155–7.

34. Yorck to Bülow, 13 January 1813, cited in Droysen, Yorck von Wartenburg, vol. 1, p. 426.

35. Ibid., pp. 426, 428–9, 434, 439–43.

36. Cited in Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 369.

37. Cited in ibid., p. 371.

38. The full text of ‘An Mein Volk’ can be accessed online at Martin Hentrich, http://www.davier.de/anmeinvolk.htm; last accessed on 5 April 2004.

39. Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, p. 373.

40. Carl Euler, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. Sein Leben und Wirken (Stuttgart, 1881), pp. 225, 262–80; Thomas Nipperdey, Deutsche Geschichte, 1800–1860.Bürgerwelt und starker Staat (Munich, 1983), pp. 83–5; Eckart Klessmann (ed.), Die Befreiungskriege in Augenzeugenberichten (Düsseldorf, 1966), p. 41.

41. Leopold von Gerlach, Diary [February/March] 1813, Bundesarchiv Potsdam, 90 Ge 6 Tagebuch Leopold von Gerlach, 1, fo. 42.

42. Schroeder, Transformation, p. 457.

43. For an analysis of this phase of the campaign, to which this outline is indebted, see Michael V. Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin. The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813 (Norman, OK, 2002), esp. pp. 256–77.

44. Cited in Klessmann, Befreiungskriege, p. 168.

45. Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald, Souvenirs du maréchal Macdonald, duc de Tarente (Paris, 1892), cited in ibid., p. 173.

46. Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin, p. 293.

47. Craig, Politics of the Prussian Army, pp. 64–5.

48. For a detailed analysis of the battle, on which this account is based, see Peter Hofschroer, 1815. The Waterloo Campaign. Wellington, His German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras (London, 1999); id., 1815. The Waterloo Campaign. The German Victory: From Waterloo to the Fall of Napoleon (London, 1999), esp. pp. 116–29; David Hamilton-William, Waterloo. New Perspectives. The Great Battle Reappraised (London, 1993), pp. 332–53.

49. Hans-Wilhelm Möser, ‘Commandement et problèmes de commandement dans l’armée prussienne de Basse-Rhénanie’, in Marcel Watelet and Pierre Courreur (eds.), Waterloo. Lieu de Mémoire européenne: histoires et controverses (1815–2000) (Louvain-la-Neuve, 2000), pp. 51–7.

50. Cited in Craig, Politics of the Prussian Army, p. 62.

51. Dennis Showalter, ‘Prussia’s Army: Continuity and Change, 1713–1830’, in Dwyer (ed.), Rise of Prussia, pp. 234–5.

52. Hofschroer, Waterloo Campaign. The German Victory, pp. 59–60.

53. Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin, p. 290.

54. Hagen Schulze, Der Weg zum Nationalstaat. Die deutsche Nationalbewegung vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Reichsgründung (Munich, 1985), pp. 67–8; Ute Frevert, Die kasernierte Nation. Militärdienst und Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland (Munich, 2001), pp. 39–41.

55. Eugen Wolbe, Geschichte der Juden in Berlin und in der Mark Brandenburg (Berlin, 1937), p. 238.

56. Cited in Spiel, Fanny von Arnstein, p. 276.

57. On the Iron Cross, see Stamm-Kuhlmann, König in Preussens grosser Zeit, pp. 389–93.

58. Jean Quataert, Staging Philanthropy. Patriotic Women and the National Imagination in Dynastic Germany (Ann Arbor, MI, 2001), p. 30.

59. The text of the document inaugurating the order can be consulted at: ‘Preussische Order’, http://www.preussenweb.de/prorden.htm; last accessed on 10 January 2006.