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Поймите, что жизнь – это не череда унылых дней, а чудесное путешествие, наполненное радостью.

Литература о вреде онанизма

Hermann Rohleder: Die Masturbation. Eine Monographie für Ärzte und Pädagogen. ISBN 978-0-265-29894-7

Hermann Cohn: Was Kann die Schule Gegen die Masturbation der Kinder Thun? Referat, dem Achten Internationalen Hygienischen Kongress zu Budapest Erstattet. ISBN 978-0-428-76556-9

Magnus Hirschfeld: Störungen im Sexualstoffwechsel

Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Impotenz. ISBN 978-0-260-38659-5

Sawyer, Sansone: A case of sleep masturbation related to dopamine agonist therapy. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2012;14

Wiedeking u.a.: Plasma noradrenaline and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase during sexual activity. Psychosom Med. 1977 Mar-Apr;39 (2):143—8

Caesar Lincoln: Masturbation Addiction: The Ultimate Guide for How to Overcome This Time-consuming Addiction. Create Space Publishing, 2014

Braun: The main cause of his insanity, … self-pollution. Attributions to illness and the treatment of insanity in the Siegburg Asylum (1825—1878). Wurzbg Medizinhist Mitt. 2006

Harper, Hodgins: Examining Correlates of Problematic Internet Pornography Use Among University Students. J Behav Addict. 2016

M.C. Quadland: Compulsive sexual behavior: Definition of a problem and an approach to treatment. In: J of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1985

E. Coleman: The obsessive—compulsive model for describing compulsive sexual behavior. In: American Journal of Preventive Psychiatry & Neurology. 1990

Daniel E. Jacome, Marlyn S. Risko: Absence Status Manifested by Compulsive Masturbation. In: JAMA Neurology. (Archives of Neurology),1983

G. G. Giles u. a.: Sexual Factors and Prostate Cancer. In: «BJU Int. Band 92, Nr. 3

M. D. Leitzmann: Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer. In: J of the American Medical Association.» (JAMA) Band 291, Nr. 13, 2004

S. J. Jacobsen u. a.: Frequency of Sexual Activity and Prostatic Health: Fact or Fairy Tale? In: Urology. Band 61, Nr. 2, 2003, S. 348—353.

Marcel D. Waldinger, Marcus M. H. M. Meinardi, Aeilko H. Zwinderman, Dave H. Schweitzer:

Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome in 45 Dutch Caucasian Males: Clinical Characteristics and Evidence for an Immunogenic Pathogenesis (Part 1). In: The Journal of Sexual Medicine.» 2011

Villar: Staff attitudes and reactions towards residents’ masturbation in Spanish long-term care facilities. J Clin Nurs., 2016

Okada: Masturbation, excessive venery and psychoses: the history of a theory in psychiatry. Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi. 1989

Heiner: Fournier’s Gangrene due to Masturbation in an Otherwise Healthy Male. Case Rep Emerg Med., 2012

Joseph W. Howe: Excessive Venery, Masturbation and Continence. The Etiology, Pathology and

Treatment of the Diseases Resulting from Venereal Excesses, Masturbation and Continence, 1889

Hermann Rohleder: Die Masturbation. Eine Monographie für Ärzte und Pädagogen, 1899