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So Charles, Armand, Sophie and I set out that morning.

We were all full of high spirits. Armand was quite amusing in his cynical way although he said he hated the people- ‘the unwashed’, he called them. He said the smell of them offended him. He was a very fastidious gentleman.

Charles warned him. ‘Don’t let them see your contempt, my dear fellow. Even on such a day as this, with all their loyalty to the crown they could easily take offence.’

Sophie was radiant, but my feelings were mixed. I was elated because I enjoyed Charles’s company so much and I kept telling myself that when they were married they would go to his estates in the south and I should not see them very often. That would be good, because I did not really like the man.

But that morning I was determined to enjoy myself.

We strolled along. A band was playing somewhere. From a building fluttered the flags of France and Austria, reminding the people that the country now had a reliable ally through this marriage, which would mean more to France than the happiness of two young people.

We strolled down the Champs-Elysées. It was going to look beautiful tonight with all those lamps aglow. In the Place Louis XV figures of dolphins were being set up and there was the grand medallion of the Dauphin and his bride. I stood beneath the bronze statue of the King on horseback surrounded by figures representing Prudence, Justice, Force and Peace.

Charles was beside me. ‘You look good there, sister Lottie,’ he said. ‘Tell me, are you prudent, just, forceful and peace-loving?’

‘Perhaps I have not lived long enough to discover.’

‘A very wise answer,’ he commented. ‘It is not always easy to be prudent and just, and if your are going to show force can you be peaceful?’

‘I suppose one must aim to have these qualities.’

‘As long as one tries perhaps that is good enough. It is not always possible to succeed though, is it? You are looking at me severely, Lottie. I don’t know why you do that so often, when you know you really like me very much.’

Sophie was coming towards us and I saw the watchful look in her eye. There was a hint of the distrust she had always had of herself before the coming of Charles.

‘We were talking about the statues,’ I said, ‘and Charles was saying how difficult it was to have the four qualities they represent.’

Charles took her by the arm. ‘Come, Sophie,’ he said, ‘let us look at them more closely and you tell me what you think of the workmanship. It was Pigalle, I think … but I’m not sure.’

He drew her away from me and was smiling into her face with such love that she was completely satisfied.

When we left the Place Louis XV we walked leisurely home and on the way we passed a stall on which several kinds of ornaments were displayed. Among them were some delicately fashioned flowers in silk. The colours were beautiful and Sophie gave a cry of admiration.

‘Why,’ she said, ‘that is just the colour of my lavender gown.’

‘I believe you really like it,’ said Charles. He picked it up and held it against her dress. ‘Enchanting,’ he went on, and kissed her lightly on the cheek. The saleswomen—there were two of them—applauded. Charles gave them one of his quick speculative glances which I noticed he bestowed on women, and these two were young and one quite pretty.

‘My lady must have it, do you not think so?’ he asked.

The two women laughed and said the lady had a very kind admirer.

Charles paid for the flower and handed it to Sophie. She looked so happy as she took it that I felt a little lump in my throat. I hoped fervently that she would always remain in blissful ignorance of the kind of man he was.

He had picked up another flower. It was a red peony—a most lovely shade of scarlet.

He held it against my hair.

‘What do you think?’ he asked the salesgirls.

‘A beautiful flower for a beautiful young lady,’ said the elder of them.

‘I agree,’ said Charles. ‘Don’t you, Sophie?’

Sophie stammered: ‘Y … yes … yes …’ But I saw the uneasy look in her eyes again and I wanted to say that I would not have the flower. But that would have made the whole matter too important, so I took the flower and thanked Charles.

Then we made our way home, but I felt a little of the joy had gone out of the morning for Sophie.

I wished I could warn her that she must not show jealousy, for Charles was the kind of man who would be irritated by it. Her only happiness lay in taking what came her way and being grateful for it, not to ask questions, not to probe, to shut her eyes to what was not meant for her to see. Then she would have a chance of being happy—and only then.

How could I tell her that? How could I tell her that I spoke from experience of what her fiancé was really like?

I did, however, try to show her that I did not treasure my flower as she did hers. I had an opportunity when Lisette came to my room as she was in the habit of doing—although lately I had seen less of her.

Sophie was with me, wearing the flower pinned to her dress and Lisette noticed it at once.

‘It’s lovely,’ cried Lisette. ‘I believe artificial silk flowers are becoming very fashionable.’

‘Charles bought it for me,’ Sophie explained. ‘From a stall in the street.’

‘You’re a lucky girl. He does dote on you, doesn’t he?’

Sophie smiled happily. ‘We were walking along and came to this stall. Nothing else on it caught my fancy but the flowers … they were very pretty.’

Lisette examined it. ‘It is so cleverly made,’ she said.

‘He bought one for Lottie.’

‘He had to … because I was there with Armand,’ I explained quickly.

‘Where is yours?’

‘I put it somewhere. I forget where …. Wait a minute. I think it’s here.’

I wanted to convey to Sophie that it meant nothing to me that Charles had given it.

I brought out the flower.

‘What a lovely rich colour!’ said Lisette.

‘I don’t think it will go with anything I wear.’

‘Nonsense. Red is one of your best colours. It makes you look darker and passionate.’

‘What rubbish.’

I took the flower from her and threw it into a drawer.

Sophie looked relieved. She could never disguise her emotion. Dear Sophie, she was so easy to deceive. Surely that arch-deceiver whom she was to marry would manage with the utmost ease.

All was well. Sophie had a good chance of achieving the happy marriage which was so necessary for her.

It was about two days after the incident of the flowers when Charles called at the hôtel. Sophie had gone with my mother to the dressmaker to discuss her trousseau, so when Charles called it aroused no comment that I should be the one to receive him.

He seized both my hands and kissed them.

‘Lottie!’ he cried. ‘How glad I am to find you alone!’

‘Was it accident or design?’

‘A bit of both,’ he admitted. ‘I believe Sophie is at the dressmaker with your Mama.’

‘You are well informed.’

‘It’s a good habit in life. Now I want to take you some- where. I have something to show you and you will really want to see it.’

‘Where would you take me?’

‘Only for a walk through the streets, I promise you.’

‘A walk? But why … ?’

‘You will see. Come, get your cloak. We haven’t a great deal of time.’

‘Were you going to show this to Sophie?’

‘Certainly not. There is no reason why she should be particularly interested.’

‘Then why … ?’

‘Curb your curiosity and hurry. I don’t want us to be too late. I promise to have you back in the house within an hour.’

He had succeeded in exciting me as he always did.

‘All right,’ I agreed. ‘But it is only to walk in the streets.’

‘That is all … on my honour.’

‘I am glad to know that you possess some.’