– …на прощание, – сказала Энн.
Она поцеловала Тома в губы.
– Это я тебя целую, – сказала Сеси.
Том отодвинул от себя Энн Лири и поглядел на нее, заглянул ей в самую душу. Он ничего не сказал, но лицо его медленно, очень медленно разгладилось, морщины исчезли, каменные губы смягчились, и он еще раз пристально всмотрелся в озаренное луной лицо, белеющее перед ним.
Потом помог ей сойти с повозки и быстро, даже не сказав "спокойной ночи", покатил прочь.
Сеси отпустила Энн.
Энн Лири вскрикнула, точно вырвалась из плена, побежала по светлой дорожке к дому и захлопнула за собой дверь.
Сеси чуть помешкала. Глазами сверчка она посмотрела на ночной весенний мир. Одну минутку, не больше, глядя глазами лягушки, посидела в одиночестве возле пруда. Глазами ночной птицы глянула вниз с высокого, купающегося в лунном свете вяза и увидела, как гаснет свет в двух домиках – ближнем и другом, в миле отсюда. Она думала о себе, о всех своих, о своем редком даре, о том, что ни одна девушка в их роду не может выйти замуж за человека, живущего в этом большом мире за холмами.
"Том. – Ее душа, теряя силы, летела в ночной птице под деревьями, над темными полями дикой горчицы. – Том, ты сохранил листок? Зайдешь когда-нибудь, как- нибудь, при случае навестить меня? Узнаешь меня? Вглядишься в мое лицо и вспомнишь, где меня видел, почувствуешь, что любишь меня, как я люблю тебя – всем сердцем и навсегда?"
Она остановилась, а кругом – прохладный ночной воздух, и миллионы миль до городов и людей, и далеко-далеко внизу фермы и поля, реки и холмы.
Тихонько: "Том?"
Том спал. Была уже глубокая ночь; его одежда аккуратно висела на стульях, на спинке кровати. А возле его головы на белой подушке ладонью кверху удобно покоилась рука, и на ладони лежал клочок бумаги с буквами. Медленно-медленно пальцы согнулись и крепко его сжали. И Том даже не шелохнулся, даже не заметил, когда черный Дрозд на миг тихо и мягко прильнул к переливающемуся лунными бликами окну, бесшумно вспорхнул, замер – и полетел прочь, на восток, над спящей землей.
The Wilderness 1952
"Oh, the Good Time has come at last -"
It was twilight, and Janice and Leonora packed steadily in their summer house, singing songs, eating little, and holding to each other when necessary. But they never glanced at the window where the night gathered deep and the stars came out bright and cold.
"Listen!" said Janice.
A sound like a steamboat down the river, but it was a rocket in the sky. And beyond that – banjos playing? No, only the summer-night crickets in this year 2003. Ten thousand sounds breathed through the town and the weather. Janice, head bent, listened. Long, long ago, 1849, this very street had breathed the voices of ventriloquists, preachers, fortunetellers, fools, scholars, gamblers, gathered at this selfsame Independence, Missouri. Waiting for the moist earth to bake and the great tidal grasses to come up heavy enough to hold the weight of their carts, their wagons, their indiscriminate destinies, and their dreams.
"That's an old Wyoming song," said Leonora. "Change the words and it's fine for 2003."
Janice lifted a matchbox of food pills, calculating the totals of things carried in those high-axled, tall-bedded wagons. For each man, each woman, incredible tonnages! Hams, bacon slabs, sugar, salt, flour, dried fruits, "pilot" bread, citric acid, water, ginger, pepper – a list as big as the land! Yet here, today, pills that fit a wrist watch fed you not from Fort Laramie to Hangtown, but all across a wilderness of stars.
Janice threw wide the closet door and almost screamed. Darkness and night and all the spaces between the stars looked out at her.
Long years ago two things had happened. Her sister had locked her, shrieking, in a closet. And, at a party, playing hide-and-seek, she had run through the kitchen and into a long dark hall. But wasn't a hall. It was an unlit stair well, a swallowing blackness. She had run out upon empty air. She had pedaled her feet, screamed, and fallen! Fallen in midnight blackness. Into the cellar. It took a long while, a heartbeat, to fall. And she had smothered in that closet a long, long time without daylight, without friends, no one to hear her screamings. Away from everything, locked in darkness. Falling in darkness. Shrieking!
The two memories.
Now, with the closet door wide, with darkness like a velvet shroud hung before her to be stroked by a trembling hand, with the darkness like a black panther breathing there, looking at her with unlit eyes, the two memories rushed out. Space and a falling. Space and being locked away, screaming. She and Leonora working steadily, packing, being careful not to glance out the window at the frightening Milky Way and the vast emptiness. Only to have the long-familiar closet, with its private night, remind them at last of their destiny.
This was how it would be, out there, sliding toward the stars, in the night, in the great hideous black closet, screaming, but no one to hear. Falling forever among meteor clouds and godless comets. Down the elevator shaft. Down the nightmare coal chute into nothingness.
She screamed. None of it came out of her mouth. It collided upon itself in her chest and head. She screamed. She slammed the closet door! She lay against it! She felt the darkness breathe and yammer at the door and she held it tight, eyes watering. She stood there a long time, until the trembling vanished, watching Leonora work. And the hysteria, thus ignored, drained away and away, and at last was gone. A wrist watch ticked, with a clean sound of normality, in the room.
"Sixty million miles." She moved at last to the window as if it were a deep well. "I can't believe that men on Mars, tonight, are building towns, waiting for us."
"The only thing to believe is catching our Rocket tomorrow."
Janice raised a white gown like a ghost in the room.
"Strange, strange. To marry – on another world."
"Let's get to bed."
"No! The call comes at midnight. I couldn't sleep, thinking how to tell Will I've decided to take the Mars Rocket. Oh, Leonora, think of it, my voice travelling sixty million miles on the lightphone to him. I changed my mind so quick – I'm scared!"