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“Keep that lantern steady,” Specks said, taking a shovel and giving his 9mm to Weams.

He began pawing through that moist, rank soil, flinging shovelfuls aside wildly, not caring if he sank the blade into Zaber’s corpse, not caring much about anything but proving to Weams how very wrong he was.

Four feet down there was nothing.

“We didn’t go any deeper than that,” Weams told him.

“You must have,” Specks said, sweat streaking down his dirty face. Weams felt something happening, something that made him instinctively cringe away from that hole as if a snake was going to show itself or a tiger was going to come vaulting out with gnashing teeth. “Specks, dear Christ, get out of there, get-”

Too late.

Specks looked down into the pit where his feet were, saw they were slowly sinking into the bottom of the grave. He couldn’t seem to work them loose. He let out a shriek, thrashing and fighting and finally falling over. And by then he had sunk to his knees in that rippling, bubbling soil. And he was still going down, like a man drawn into quicksand.

“Help me!” he cried. “Help me, Weams!”

Weams took hold of one of his hands, then let go.

“What’re you doing, Weams?” Specks whined, tears running down his face, drool flying from his contorted mouth. “Help me, for godsake! Help me! Help me! Get me outta here! Something’s got me, something’s pulling me down-”

Weams’ eyes were huge and wet. “Tell me, Specks. Tell me about you and Lila. Tell me about what you have with my wife.”

But Specks was beyond simple conversation. He had sunk to the waist now, screaming and moaning and gibbering and all that did was sink him farther. Sink him until two bloated white arms rose from the muddy earth, pudgy fingers taking hold of him and dragging him down and down. But before his mouth was filled with soil, Weams heard what he said.

Heard it very well.

Zaber, he’d said. It was Zaber, not me.


Lila came slinking home an hour before dawn.

Sneaking, stealing lightly, her high-heels in hand, she slipped through the front door and Weams was waiting for her. He had Specks’ 9mm and he pointed it straight at her.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” he said.

She just stood there, looking a little worn around the edges from a rough night of play, a cat creeping home, its belly full and satisfied. She started to smile, saw the gun, thought better of it. Then she didn’t do anything but watch Weams slam the door shut behind her. And Weams could hear the loom of her brain whirring and clicking, trying to spin believable webs of lies, but unable to find any fresh silk.

“How long,” Weams put to her, “how long were you and Zaber sneaking around behind my back?”

“Zaber? I-”

“Don’t lie to me.”

Lila was figuring that probably wouldn’t be a real good idea either. Because she was seeing Weams, her husband of six years, seeing that twitch in the corner of his mouth, that mottled face, those eyes like windows staring into a madhouse.

“Not long,” she said, then started to cry.

And, hey, she was good. You had to give her that. Right to the last drop. Those tears looked real and they made something soften in Weams. But not for long. “You wanna tell me why?” he said to her.

Oh, she was whimpering and chewing her lip, making with those big brown doe eyes. The sweet, precocious little girl who had done something bad, but would never do it again.

Weams laughed. Maybe it wasn’t a laugh exactly…too hollow, too sharp, too agonized. “No, let me tell you why. Money. Plain and simple. It’s always that way with people like you, Lila. Cash means so much to you, you’d lay with a pig and…ha, ha…I guess you did at that.”

“Please…please,” she pouted.

“Get moving,” Weams said.

He marched her right to the cellar door, the gun on her the whole while. “Open it,” he said.

She did. Her hands were trembling. All you could see down there were the steps leading into a mouth of blackness. Like the depths of a cave, there could have been just about anything down there.

“Go ahead,” he said, far too calmly.

“Oh please, baby, you don’t-”

“Go down…or I’ll fucking shoot you,” Weams told her, drooling now, a funny sobbing sound coming up from his throat.

Weeping, Lila moved down two steps, then three. Stopped. She turned and looked back up at Weams like he might change his mind. And as she did so, there was a sound down there…a fleshy, heavy sound. Something moving, something big.

“Enjoy yourself,” Weams said, slamming the door shut behind her, locking it carefully.

He heard her scream.

Heard the sound of motion, somebody scrambling up the stairs. Lila’s voice crying out, begging hysterically for help. A thrashing, a slapping of flesh, a rending. A manic scream dampened by something wet and slobbering and attentive.

Then, his mind just gone, Weams put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

It was easier that way.


A week later, the police busted into the house.

They were led by two detectives named Green and Dickson, both big brutes with topcoats and thick necks, identical oily gray eyes. When Zaber went missing and they found out that he was hooked up with Specks, it wasn’t too hard to put it all together. They found Weams’ corpse and Lila’s down in the basement. It was a real ugly scene, but they were used to ugly scenes. They couldn’t figure out who chopped off Lyon’s legs or the whereabouts of Specks, but they had an angle on Zaber…or part of him.

“They finish the post on the woman?” Green asked a few days after the coroner’s people bagged the bodies and took them away to the morgue where things were more intimate.

Dickson nodded. “They did. Doc says she was ruptured pretty bad, raped repeatedly by the looks of it. Vaginally, anally. Probably went on for days.”

“Jesus. Bled to death?”

“No, not exactly,” Dickson said. “There was a foreign object wedged down in her throat. She choked on it, asphyxiated.”

“What was it?”

Dickson told him. “Doc said it looked like she bit it off and tried to swallow it. She must have been some kind of freak, because it was putrefied. Whoever it came from was dead for days before she put it in her mouth.”


As they pushed deeper into the Amazon Basin, following a winding series of tributaries, their guide told them one randy tale after another of what he called the piraya. He was a kind old Yagua Indian from the Javary named Rico Uara Valqui and had come highly recommended. He told them wild stories about the old Conquistadors who’d made the unpleasant mistake of wearing blood-red trousers in piranha-infested waters. About swimmers getting their nipples bitten off and skinny-dippers who’d gotten more than their nipples bitten off.

At that last one Jack chuckled, wiped sweat from his face, and gave Elise a jab with his elbow so she’d see it was a joke too. But Elise did not think it was funny. The others in the low-bottomed boat-Cutler and Basille-just smiled thinly.

“ And all true, I swear,” Rico said, crossing himself after telling a particularly lurid tale of a madman named Crazy Lupo who’d caught his limit of piranha by using his murdered wife’s corpse as bait. Rico grinned, ran fingers through his stubbly white hair. “But it not all bad, eh? You wait, we catch our limit, conk-conk-conk, we knock the fight out them sumbitch pirayas, then we clean ‘em out, slit-slit-slit, some the garlic, the salt, the spice root, then cook ‘em up over the fire. Taste real good. You see, eh?”

“ That’s what I’m looking forward to,” Jack said. “I heard they taste like catfish.”

“ Sure, like you say.” Rico looked at him and grinned. “Hey, maybe Rico show you how to make piraya- head soup, eh? It make a man more a man. You eat the soup, Jack, your wife she not enough for you! You need ten wives!”