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But what did it all add up to? Anyone’s guess. That’s what.

Just before midnight the black sedan rolled up again. Marianne came out and got in it. I followed at a discreet distance. They drove slowly through the city traffic, but like a hooker paid by the hour, they were in no hurry. I followed them down the main stem over the bridge and right out of town. They hit the highway and then cut down a few deserted country lanes. My lights off, I followed at a safe distance.

I started to get that feeling in my gut. The one that tells me I’m onto something, that things are about to become… relevant. Either that or the salami roll I had for supper was starting its march to the sea.

Out in the middle of nowhere, the sedan whipped through a set of black iron gates and into yet another cemetery. I waited a few minutes before following. Just another boneyard-lots of monuments and scraggly trees. I piloted my heap down the lonesome dirt drive, shadows reaching out and clawing over the ruts. Above there was no moon, just gray clouds and skeletal boughs scratching against them. I got lost. I’ll admit that. I‘ll also admit I was starting to get the creeps just driving around and around, maybe half wondering if I’d ever find my way out. Wouldn’t that be a goddamn set-up? Stuck in some spookworld where I drove endlessly through a cemetery?

But, eventually, I found the sedan.

It was way out back. There was a big mausoleum crowning a barren hill. Two stories of rectangular gray stone set with huge black windows. A real inviting place…if you were a corpse. I killed the engine on the heap and coasted into a stand of trees, just off the drive. The sedan was parked up there pretty as you please. There was a delivery wagon and a truck up there, too. I sat there, smoking in the dark, wishing I had Tommy and his boys backing me up. But I was alone, so I did the first fool thing that popped into my head: I walked on up there.

The front door was a massive affair you could’ve driven a tank through. I went around back and cased the joint. I could see lights in a few windows, but there were drapes covering them so I couldn’t see what my pals were doing. I started checking doors and windows, but they were all locked. Then I found a cellar window that tilted up. I slid through like a greased eel and landed in the darkness. I sat there waiting for a reception committee, but none came.

So far, so good.

It took my eyes awhile to adjust to the darkness. I had a flashlight with me, but I didn’t dare use it. I could see that I was in a storage room of sorts-crates and boxes stacked up, a few metal barrels against the wall. It was all pretty pedestrian, except for that funny smell which I knew was formaldehyde. There were other odors, too. A sweet, sickly stink of decay and death hung in the air. And something like a spice cupboard that had been shut up for too long.

I kept moving around down there, feeling up the walls like a teenager under Mary Jane’s sweater until I found my way into a cement block corridor studded with doors. Way it was stinking down there, I just didn’t feel really curious about what was behind those doors. Finally, I found a set of steps and went up. I was in a marble hall, the walls of which were studded with brass nameplates bearing the tags of the deceased. It was cold in there. I kept going, wandering down more and more corridors until I saw lights and heard voices.

I cracked open a heavy oak door just a bit and the gang was all there.

I could see Marianne and another thin, cadaverous-looking guy with a face only Frankenstein could love. Next to them were three or four other people, their backs to me. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I sure as hell could see what they were doing. The room was set up like an embalming chamber…or so I thought at first. It was dimly lit, but there was no mistaking the metal drums of chemicals or the hoses and suction devices, floor pumps, trays of instruments. Just as there was no mistaking the stiff spread out on a metal table like Sunday’s wash. He was rancid. About as fresh as a wormy hamburger on a hard roll.

Marianne and the others all had aprons on and little surgical masks. I was ready to ask if I could borrow one before I heaved up my dinner. To this day, I still can’t be sure what it was they were doing exactly. I saw them douse the body with chemicals. I saw Marianne take a syringe and shoot something in the cadaver’s neck. I saw another sprinkle powders and rub the graying flesh down like a Christmas goose. And then I saw them dump what looked like bloody meat the entire length of the body. The stink of whatever they were using overpowered the death smell. Reminded me of biology class in high school.

Maybe I can’t really be sure about any of what they did. My heart was hammering like Gene Krupa and my belly was full of jumping frogs.

So, I can’t be sure.

But I am sure of what happened next…the body, that goddamn stiff they’d dragged out of some moldering grave, it began to move. It began to shudder and writhe like there was a high voltage cable shoved up its ass. About the time it sat up and let out a mournful, agonized shriek, I was on my way out. Back down the stairs I went, drenched now in cold sweat, scared like a kiddie at a monster show. At the bottom of the steps I walked right into something (I don’t know what) and it tipped over and shattered. Glass sprayed everywhere. I froze up like a Roman statue, just my heart thumping away.

But everything was still quiet.

I tried to negotiate my way in the darkness. It was no easy trick. Maybe if I’d had half a brain I would’ve broke out the flashlight. But I didn’t. Not yet. I found a door and I was sure it was the one. I slipped into the mulling darkness and the room was colder than a meat locker. That awful stink of putrescence and formaldehyde was stronger. In fact, it was gagging. It was like being trapped in a body bag. I bumped into something again, but nothing fell. And, dammit, I’d had quite enough. I pulled the flashlight out of the pocket of my overcoat and clicked it on.

And then instantly wished I hadn’t.

I was in another cellar room, but not the one I’d landed in earlier. No, this one had tables arranged in rows from end to end with little walkways in-between. They were like mortician’s slabs, each draped in a white sheet. And there was no doubt what was under those sheets: I could see the forms easily enough. Now and again, a hand had slipped from beneath its covering, dead fingers dangling in midair. I could see the toes of some of the taller ones. Quickly, I went from slab to slab, looking down on those ruined faces. I recognized quite a few.

It was about that time, my skin all clammy and my fingers stiff as pencils from the cold, that I first sensed it. I don’t know how to adequately describe it. It was like the air around me had changed, was charged with something. I could feel the hairs along the back of my neck stand up. Gooseflesh spread down my spine like ripples in a pond. The air was suddenly full of static electricity, thrumming with it, some noxious stored potential was beginning to vent itself. I caught a sharp aroma of ozone like lightening was about to strike.

And then it did.

My head reeling with that savage smell, that dark and rising sweetness, the bodies on the slabs all began to sit up. I saw sheets shudder and slide from sunless, graveyard faces. A lot of them were little more than skulls knitted with tight dry flesh like tanned leather.

I didn’t wait to see what came next.

There was a window on the other side and I went for it, smashing through it with my flashlight and diving into the cool grass. And then I was running and stumbling and sliding down the hill on my ass. I could see my heap waiting for me and then I saw the two heavies next to it.

Unarmed, smelling like a litter pile in a death camp, they came at me. My. 45 slid out from the speed rig and I started drilling those bastards, knowing that you can’t kill something already dead, but sometimes you can sure give ‘em a bad day.