Now let's talk about your body. You've protected your base, but what are you doing to protect yourself? T-shirts and blue jeans are not bite proof. Find something metallic and attach it to your clothing. Leather is also a good alternative clothing, as it will still allow movement and protect against bites. Just keep in mind that this is not as strong as metal. Zombies cannot bite through this stuff. Protect your legs, neck, and forearms. Make sure whatever you choose is strong enough to protect you, but flexible enough still allowing you to move and run. If you're able to locate anything, head protection is also a good idea. If you can't find helmets of any type, a good sized pail will do the trick.
So now you have a sustainable buddy system, and you have fortified your retail store with lots of staples, so how are things looking for long-term? Probably not so good, huh? Eventually you run out of food and water, and fuel and ammo right? Not if you plan ahead. If you have acquired a big box retailer as was suggested, you're not in as bad of shape as you might think. Places like this have good overhead skylights that will effectively light the building during the daylight hours, and you can rely on batteries and flashlights for the night time once you have lost electricity. Another thing you can do, before the apocalypse, is to locate gas stations near your chosen base. Familiarize yourself with the timings of the tanker truck deposits. If you're brave enough, you can sneak out to get fuel from the gas station, and possibly even bring back an entire truck to your fort. This will allow you to run a generator for quite some time. As for food and water, after you have sealed all of your exits, the next step is to find every empty container in the building and fill it with tap water. You are going to need all the drinking water you can get your hands on. Step three is to begin your garden. Gather lots of planters and potting soil and take them up onto the roof. Plant seeds and all of the planters and see if you can devise some sort of water filtering system from the toilets. Now you are set! You are fortifying your base against the throes of zombies, you have a small army to protect it, you have lots of non-perishable goods, plenty of water, and fresh vegetables. You could possibly maintain here for several years. What happens next depends on a lot of different variables.
How long do zombies “live?” Contrary to popular belief, zombies are not immortal. Even though the zombies are technically dead beings, they still maintain some semblance of metabolic activity, and will eventually just….stop. That’s when it will be safe for humans to come out of their hiding places. Most zombies tend to live less than one year, and you can actually tell their age based on their necrotic degradation, or their level of decomposition.
These are your basic needs in order of priority: water, food, shelter, and weapons. ALWAYS have a weapon! Don’t ever keep “just enough,” but rather always know where the next supply is coming from. Keep in mind that some may have more than others, and previous worldly values are now a thing of the past. Have something to barter with should the need arise.
Another important thing to remember is that there is strength in numbers. Forming mutual survival arrangements is one of the most crucial elements of survival. Everyone needs someone to discuss ideas with, to share experience and knowledge with, and to fight off zombies with... however, while it is important to acquire survival partners, it is just as important to know when to turn people away in order to protect the group as a whole.
Let's say you find yourself in the midst of a combat situation. The most important thing to remember is to remain calm. Panic will most likely result in a mistake. Mistakes often lead to death. Calm your nerves, take a deep breath, and slow down. At the same time, act decisively without hesitation. The second most important thing is to use distance to your benefit. Zombies do not understand how to conventionally defend themselves, and melee combat is often very risky. Keeping a safe distance from zombies is less stressful than being in their immediate presence, and it gives you more time to think and act appropriately.
Always be alert, and always, always, ALWAYS expect trouble! Understand that no plan is foolproof and things will go wrong. Develop backup clients and never ever lower your guard. When walking into unknown territory the first thing you should do is locate weapons, exits, people, and supplies. Talk little. Listen well. And think thoroughly. Be aware of your actions, and remember lab sounds draw zombies. Long term thinking is the most critical thing you can do to survive during a zombie apocalypse. If you find it necessary bunker down outside of your main base, check your defenses often and reinforce frequently.
Another important thing to understand is that the human body is built to absorb damage. Melee type weapons are rarely one-shot kills. Unless you are incredibly skilled and strong, most melee attacks are multiple hits. You should always plan for this. Sometimes attacking other crucial parts of zombie’s body, such as neck or spine, can disable the zombie enough so that you can deliver the finishing blow.
If you find yourself in the midst of the large number of zombies, firepower may be your best bet. Each bullet is valuable, so use them with caution. Sure bursts of fire or single shots are much more accurate than spraying random fire into the mass. Remember that ammunition is worth more than gold during this crisis, and conservation is key.
Another valuable resource that you will need to conserve his energy. While melee attacks do not waste valuable ammunition, these types of attacks do consume energy. Adrenaline does not last forever, and very few people are in good enough shape to endure hours of melee. Make sure you eat. Ration your swings so that you have enough energy for the final retreat. You are no good to anyone if you slaying 40 zombies, but you can't make it back to base without collapsing.
Adaptability is one of the most important qualities you possess during an invasion. The basic principle is adapt or die. Modern civilization is gone, and mentally this and other natural disasters can impact your life more than you might expect. Practice and prepare for the worst possible scenario, combat included. During the down times, alternate taking watch and working with each type of weapon. Know each and every type of weapon and know it well. Know how to quickly cycle and reload your weapons, and go through combat simulations if possible.
Develop a firearms safety protocol and always observe it when within your fortress. Never assume that safety is on or that the gun is unloaded, and never pointed at another individual or yourself. Know the last time your weapon was serviced and what types of ammunition it uses.
When you are on the move, or out scourging for supplies, keep a sharp eye out possible shelter location and supply houses. In this time it is survival of the fittest. Kindness, compassion, and generosity are now luxuries and could possibly lead to needless deaths. It is up to you individually to determine how much admirable humanity you can afford. Only the strong survive.
The final thing to consider during a zombie apocalypse is your “Last Resort Plan". There may come a time where you have to accept the fight is over. Most would prefer a quick painless death over becoming a zombie dinner or dying of thirst, disease, or the elements. Many people would choose to die over becoming a flesh eating zombie. If you still have a firearm, then this plan is simple. Regardless, it is better to have a plan without the need, then to have been the and not the plan.