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The things that scare me are pain and the anticipation of pain, psychological or physical. You can imagine falling from a great height and having the time to anticipate the pain you’ll feel when you hit the ground. This is the basis of all horror: The anticipation of the bad things to come. The teeth tearing into the victim’s flesh are bad enough, but often only the beginning of the dreadful fate that awaits him. That’s why we squirm. What makes me laugh is when an author leads me to expect one thing, but another, entirely different, thing happens. It’s a technique I use myself in ZOMCATS! — but I’m still not giving you any plot spoilers!

7. This would make a great film, can see an animation or live action, who would you want to voice or be the main cats & why?

My cats don’t talk, so I wouldn’t get an actor to play them. They’d have to be animated in some way. Or maybe we should create some zombie cats who’d star in the movie. That’d at least have the virtue of being realistic. I wouldn’t fancy the job of stuntman in that movie, though.

8. What’s your favourite horror movie?

That’s so hard to say. I have quite a few favourites. but my top-rated one might have to be John Carpenter’s remake of The Thing. I love the line: “I don’t know what the hell’s in there, but it’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is!” It combines horror and humour brilliantly.

9. Zomcats is scary and at the same time biting satire. What do you want readers to take away from Zomcats?

First and foremost, I want them to be entertained by it. I want them to think its a compelling page-turner that they can’t put down. That’s what I’ve written it to be. If they take away anything else, that’s a bonus. My view is that the prime duty of an author is to make sure that his book is enjoyable. That’s what I aim to do.

10. Your first book CCZA was about Zombie chefs. Will you be writing more Zomcats or other zombie animals in the pipeline?

At present I see another book with Zomcats in it, but I don’t see myself writing about any other zombie animals. Mind you, I wouldn’t rule it out. Never say never! (Well, almost never say never).

Thanks for your time Jack Strange, it’s always interesting to see what’s in your warped and twisted mind. Zomcats! Was published on 1st of October by KGHH Publishing and you should be reading it right now so any feedback do feel free to get in touch.


My first novel, ‘Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse’, was published by Kensington Gore on the 4th May 2016, is currently available on Amazon. You should of read an extract from it earlier in this book. I hope you liked it enough to buy it.

It’s been an amazing year for me writing wise and I hope to go from strength to strength.

Jack Strange


To my readers:

Thank you for taking the trouble to read my second novel. If you enjoyed it, please talk about it and please urge your friends to buy a copy. Oh yes, before I forget, please give it a favourable review on Amazon.

Feel free to send me an email with your views on ‘Zomcats!’ to:


or contact me on Facebook

or Twitter @jackstrange11

Your help is very much appreciated.

Many thanks.

Jack Strange

To my friends:

Thank you Martin Mulligan and Owen Whitehead for acting as beta readers on this novel, and for advising me whenever you felt that my writing failed to live up to the high standards that my adoring fans have come to expect of me.

Finally, a very big thank you is due to Melinda Sharpe for working so very hard to promote my first novel.

To my Facebook friends:

I’ve met the following people on Facebook and they’ve become my friends. They kindly agreed to act as beta reviewers of the novel ZOMCATS! and they’ve all done a sterling job for me:

Aged Teen (a talented musician who’s older than he looks)

Diane Visavati

Joyce Stokley

Fred Casden (you can read his terrific blog on http://www.fredcasdensbasement.com/)

Aimee Cole

Charles Ziegler (Chuck)

Diane Visavati

Jack Larson (you can see his great zombie art on https://www.instagram.com/zombiemarketing/)

Herk Collins

Peter Joyce



Copyright Andrew Komarnyckyj, writing as Jack Strange, 2016

Andrew Komarnyckyj has asserted his rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or other-wise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance of the fictional characters to real persons is purely coincidental and non-intentional.

Cover designed and the copy right of Graeme Parker 2016

Published in 2016 by KGHH Publishing.