Chamon wails in anguish. An untraceable blight has engulfed the realm, and oases scattered across its deserts recoil and fester at the dread touch of Nurgle. Lands once brimming with life now suffocate beneath a leprous undergrowth. The stink of...
A restless menace threatens the town of Wyrmditt. Stirred from his grave by fell magic, Sabrodt, the Shrouded King, seeks dominion over the kingdom he failed to claim in life. So great is the terror inflicted upon the lands by Sabrodt and his...
The Varanguard are the elite warriors of the Everchosen, those worthy of fighting by Archaon's side. When treachery strikes, Vanik, one such warrior, will stop at nothing to bring Archaon's vengeance to his foes.
It's a look inside...
Amidst the ruins of the once-great Mirrored City, cursed by Nagash himself, ex-freeguild soldier Seguin Rayner and his allies seek secrets – but even if they retrieve them, can they ever escape Shadespire?
It's a whole novel...
A Warhammer Underworlds anthology
Direchasm has opened, and the war for Beastgrave is fiercer than ever. Discover the hopes, fears, and greatest battles of the many warbands who fight in the darkness in this collection of all-action short...
A Lumineth Realm-lords novel
For Lumineth Stonemage Carreth Y'gethin, an Ossiarch invasion of Hysh comes with personal challenges as he faces destiny head-on.
Explore notions of destiny and divinity through the lens of the Lumineth...
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel
There are few heroes so mighty as Hamilcar Bear-Eater – but when an ancient skaven warlock with a thirst for godhood seeks Hamilcar's immortal soul, will his martial prowess and uncanny skill be enough to ensure...
In Shyish, twin towns face horror – the spectral hordes of Lady Olynder will soon rise and devour their souls. One hero must stand against them – but can he face the Lady of Sorrows?
Get an insight into life in the Realm of...
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology
War rages in the Mortal Realms. The heroes of Order stand against the darkness of Chaos, the fury of Destruction and the sinister chill of Death in thirteen tales that lay bare the oaths of the righteous and the...
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar anthology
When the Everchosen calls, the tribes of Chaos answer his warcry. Each does Archaon's will in their own way, and each has a part to play in the war to control the Mortal Realms. These are their stories.