In the perilous jungles just north of the great city of Hammerhal Aqsha, Chaos reigns. There, a powerful Tzeentchian wizard grows in disciples and in might as his maledictions leach all that is good from the land. It is Neave Blacktalon, first of...
The Bad Moon looms over the city of Dracothium, and Watch Captain Helena Morthan knows it bodes ill for the town. Can she and grieving warrior Hendrick Saul defeat the plans of the Gloomspite Loonking and save their people?
Fantastic anthology collecting together stories from the Mortal Realms of Age of Sigmar feauturing some of Black Library's best known authors.
Harrowed by unending wars, few bastions of safety remain in the Age of Sigmar. Even so, the brave – or...
The world that Gotrek Gurnisson knew is long dead, alongside every soul the legendary monster slayer once cared for. Adrift in this curious new age, the duardin scours the treacherous Bone Desert in search of the axe he inherited from the God...
When a child goes missing from Hammerhal Ghyra, Gotrek Gurnisson, recovering from an epic drinking binge (and some nasty poisoning) volunteers to enter the nearby catacombs and find him – especially since his mother claims he was taken by a ghost....
In Shyish, the dread realm of Death, all must pay the Bone Tithe… but no one has told Gotrek Gurnisson that. When his aelven companion Maleneth is taken to pay Nagash his due, Gotrek swears to seek her captors and rescue her. Woe betide any –...
Trachos, a Lord-Ordinator of the Celestial Vindicators, journeys back to his brethren, tortured by the horrors he has experienced in the underworlds of Shyish – and by his own failings. A voice in his head berates him… and he's sure it's not his...
A Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel
Witness the destructive forces that are on the rise in the Realm of Beasts first-hand, and see the indomitable defences of Excelsis tested like never before.
This tie-in novel coincides with the launch...
A Daughters of Khaine novel
The Daughters of Khaine bleed the realms dry in the name of their god across three linked stories that show both the aelves' skill at war and dedication to their bloody-handed master.
Dive into a trio of...
A malevolent threat looms over the once great city of Excelsis. For as long as the treacherous Ortam Vermyre lives, civilisation is no longer safe within the Realm of Beasts. Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll must brave the deadly seas and jungles of the...