During the course of Queen Victoria’s reign, Britain underwent such a remarkable period of upheaval that the nation’s influence extended to the furthest reaches of the globe. With the advances of the Industrial Revolution, trade and production...
For better or worse, individuals throughout history have changed the world. Leaving lasting legacies that are still remembered to this day, whether it was down to blind ambition, a divine belief, or dedication to a cause, certain men and women have...
Of all the periods in history, the Renaissance has to be one of the most exciting. It saw the emergence of a new breed of art and literature, but the discovery of the New World also gave birth to a battle of conquest between nations. In this digital...
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are names known around the world for their part in founding what is arguably the world’s most powerful nation. Despite its relatively short history, the U.S. has seen diverse change, from...
There is no doubt that the First World War shaped the world in which we live today. There are those who believe the First World War should never have happened, those who feel it was absolutely necessary and those by whom it is quietly remembered....
It was famously said that at the height of its power the British Empire was so vast that the Sun never set on it. To be more precise, an astonishing 33.7 million square kilometres – almost a quarter of the planet’s land area – were touched by...
Understanding the events that have come before us and how they have shaped the world we live in is a fascinating subject. So often, we focus on specific dates such as 1066, 1215, 1914 and 1945, but there’s so much more – going back so much...
The Second World War will always hold a legendary place in Britain’s history, and indeed the history of the world. Few campaigns within either of the world wars are as well-known and remembered as the Battle of Britain. Immortalised in...
“To be, or not to be: that is the question.”
William Shakespeare has undeniably left behind him a legacy of plays and poems that have not only been enjoyed by millions, but shaped the English language into what we know today. This book delves...
We all know about their roads and aqueducts, but there is so much more to the Romans than their practical transport solutions. We’ve put together this action-packed digital edition to bring you the history of Ancient Rome without the boring bits,...