In Target Lock, an industrial research satellite falls to the Indonesian sea after a series of successful tests-only to disappear along with its international recovery team and their ship. NATO and U.S. military officials believe that it has been...
In Sea Fighter, Garrett heads a United Nations task force made up of units from Great Britain, France, and the United States. Her mission: halt a rapidly escalating African civil war. A renegade Nigerian general has invaded Sierra Leone and Guinea,...
In China, a simmering conflict between the government and rebel forces has boiled over into a full-scale civil war — and Taiwanese Nationalists have taken advantage of the situation to launch a lightning strike on the mainland. US analysts...
On a frigid fall morning in 2006, a sudden attack against a British scientific outpost in Antarctica heralds the beginning of an invasion of the seventh continent. Resurgent after the Falklands war, Argentina has launched an armed takeover of the...