People come to Hades Archer to dispose of their 'problems' - for a fee. But one night he makes a decision that will change everything.
Twenty years later, homicide detective Frank Bennett meets his new partner, the dark and beautiful Eden Archer....
W obliczeniach by? b??d. Nie przeszli nad atmosfer? ale zderzyli si? z ni? [...] W jego wyniku rakieta z grup? kosmonaut?w awaryjnie l?duje na planecie Eden. Ludzie rozpoczynaj? napraw? statku, a tak?e badanie planety, kt?ra okazuje si? zamieszkana...
Before the blood, before the screaming, before the fall . . .
The first victim is discovered on the edge of the park. Young. Female. Beautiful. Or at least she was before her face was destroyed. Homicide detective Frank Bennett suspects that this is...