“Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream” was first published in Asimov’s Science Fiction, Vol. 21, #2, No. 254, February...
Uncle River tells us he “suspects that sanity requires more of peace and is available on this planet. Once trained in Jungian Analysis, I now live as far out or the way as possible for what perspective I can find.” While the author has a regular...
Long-time Asimov’s contributor Mary Rosenblum joins newcomer James Sarafin in a mesmerizing look at what “One Good Juror” can mean to a plaintiff. The story was the result of a conversation about justice versus the law, both in the present and...
The novel published as This Immortal first appeared under the title …And Call Me Conrad. It won Roger his first Hugo. In the following tale, Robert Silverberg’s Titan discovers, as did Conrad, that nothing ever goes quite as one...