The adventure begins with the wreckage of a sunken Nazi submarine and a shocking legacy of Hitler’s quest for Atlantis. Archaeologist Conrad Yeats discovers in the ruins of the Third Reich the key to an ancient conspiracy that reaches the highest...
An ancient organization more powerful than the federal government has targeted Washington. They'll stop at nothing to destroy the republic and raise an empire.
The adventure begins with a mysterious military burial at Arlington National...
Zane, a fierce vampire warrior, has been enslaved by the Amazons. Nola, a lovely Amazon soldier, has been cursed with invisibility. Now, these two stubborn enemies must overcome the pasts that haunt them and embrace a love that can set them...
Deep in the jungle on the trail of her missing brother, Grace never expected to find a secret world populated by mythological monsters -- nor guarded by a sword-wielding being whose beauty put mortal men to shame.
Darius en Kragin belongs to...
"New York Times" bestselling author Harry Turtledove has intrigued readers with such thought-provoking "what if..." scenarios as a conquered Elizabethan England in Ruled Britannia and a Japanese occupation of Hawaii in "Days of Infamy" and "End of...