What can a beautiful, still-young woman do when her self-centered husband casts her aside for another less desirable mate simply because the new one has a fortune, and he doesn’t like to work?
In the case of heartbroken Sally Sue Bennett, as related in this light-hearted novel by author Carl Van Marcus, the girl began to carve a career for herself, hiding the deep hurt she felt. Although passionate by nature, she denied herself the pleasure and comfort of a man. Instead, she worked agonizing hours to build the Sally Sue Show. And for comfort and companionship she took in stray animals and birds until she had a private zoo.
Sally Sue knew how to love life, but she was afraid to love, afraid of being hurt again. In this touching novel, she finally yields herself to a young engineer for the small radio station where she works . . . and fails in her search for love and fulfillment.
Then she becomes embroiled with a precocious teenage boy, Terry, who is old beyond his years. Terry callously decides to exploit the lovely Sally Sue’s need for him and forms a strange alliance with a somewhat older girl, a beautiful little blonde, Virgie, who after being brutally raped has turned to lesbianism.
With the use of drugs, the two teenagers manage to bring the emotionally disturbed heroine almost to the point of madness and involve her in carnality she had never thought possible.
Buffeted between her sense of right and wrong and her own desires the lovely young divorcee eventually finds a solution which will shock many readers.
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