Tarl Cabot, seeking the monsters from the Steel Worlds, found himself among the cruel savages who ruled the vast Barrens. Though himself enslaved, he stood with his comrades and masters against a coming onslaught. For the Kur had united the...
Jason Marshall's life on Earth's orbital twin was a constant struggle. Woman's slave, landless fugitive to warrior captain, but if he could win victory in the heat of battle against overwhelming odds, he would gain a warriors honours — a homeland...
This is the third installment of John Norman's popular and controversial Gor series. Tarl Cabot is the intrepid tarnsman of the planet Gor, a harsh society with a rigid caste system that personifies the most brutal form of social Darwinism. In...
Tarl Cabot, Norman's heroic Gorean Tarnsman, descends into the depths of Port Kar-the darkest, most degenerate port city of the Counter-Earth. There, among pirates, cutthroats and brigands, Cabot learns the ways of Kar, whose residence are...
Another provocative trip to the barbaric and mysterious world of Gor. Norman's heroic Tarnsman finds his way across the center-Earth, pledged to serve the Priest-Kings in their quest for survival. Unfortunately for Cabot, his mission leads him to...