Colloquial Catalan provides a step-by-step course in Catalan as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate...
Specially written by experienced teachers, this easy to use and completely up-to-date course provides a step-by-step approach to spoken and written Irish with no prior knowledge of the language required.
What makes Colloquial Irish your best choice...
Specially written by an experienced teacher for self-study or class use, this easy to use and up to date course provides a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Yoruba with no prior knowledge of the language required.
Colloquial Yoruba is:
Colloquial Swahili is easy to use and completely up to date!
Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Swahili. No prior knowledge of the language is...
Colloquial Tamil is easy to use and completely up to date!
Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course offers a step-by-step approach to spoken Tamil. While emphasis is placed on colloquial spoken Tamil, you are...