It begins in the small Iowa town of Steubenville, where a seemingly respectable citizen takes a head-over-heels tumble on a department store escalator. As if on cue, Cadillacs — 31 in all — start disappearing from lots in the San Francisco Bay area, as a team of scam artists use phone fraud, bank fraud, and pure criminal genius to do one California bank out of $1.3 million worth of Detroit’s finest.
The bank wants those cars back, and turns to Daniel Kearny Associates to get it done. Rock-jawed, relentless Dan Kearny puts his best agents, as well as two new ones, on the case. It doesn’t take long for Kearny’s team to find out what they’re up against: Gyppos. Con artists, scammers, liars, thieves and dangerous charmers, Gypsies are one nation united in street crime. And since the escalator fall has mortally wounded their beloved King, they’ve decided to get to his funeral in Cadillac style. But there’s one more Cadillac to contend with: the shocking pink 1958 Cadillac ragtop convertible the dying leader insists on being buried in. The Gypsy who can get his hands on one is sure to be the next King... or Queen.
When the tilt starts, it’s Gypsies 32, DKA O. But by the second inning the score changes. From San Francisco to Hawaii, from Florida to New York, it’s a matter of everybody scamming everybody in a cross-country duel of wits and nerves. And the action won’t let up until both repomen and Gyppos reach the dying Gypsy King — and the ultimate scam of all.
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