The bunk’s mattress was soaked wit blood.
The old-fashioned razor was folded shut.
But it had been recently used. It was smeared with blood.
A voice broke the terrible stillness in the stateroom: “The Blind Barber Has Been Here...
The Starberths die of broken necks. That was the legend in the village where Chaterham Prison, abandoned for a hundred years, had kept its secrets of death and terror. Scotland Yard learned of the legend when Martin Starbeth was murdered. But it...
Six months after she arrived in Six Ashes, half the men were in love with beautiful Lesley Grant--and one of them was going to marry her--until Sir Harvey Gilman, London murder expert told him: "That lovely young girl is forty-one years old. She...
Dr. Fell, detective extraordinary, is back again, more amusing and omniscient than ever. In The Eight of Swords he is faced with the sort of problem in which his acute and devious mind delights.
When a gay spirit took to playing strange...
There was a streak of madness in the ancient and honorable Devereux family. No one, not even the family doctor, could tell when, or in whom, it might make its ugly appearance.
Their own...