The phenomenal series set in a future New York City returns as NYPSD Lt. Eve Dallas hunts for the killer of a seemingly ordinary history teacher-and uncovers some extraordinary surprises. Craig Foster's death devastated his young wife, who'd sent...
In early spring of 2059, Lieutenant Eve Dallas is called off planet to face a grueling ordeal – giving a seminar at the largest police conference of the year, to be held in a swanky resort. A resort which just happens to be owned by her husband,...
From Publishers Weekly
Written under the pen name J.D. Robb, this futuristic mysteryDset in New York City, year 2059Dshowcases veteran writer Nora Roberts's skills at their best. It's as tough, smart, sassy and successful as its heroine, police...
When the newly promoted captain of the NYPSD and his wife return a day early from their vacation, they were looking forward to spending time with their bright and vivacious sixteen-year-old daughter who had stayed behind.
Porucznik Eve Dallas z wydziału zabójstw nowojorskiej policji ma przed sobą trudne zadanie. Piękna, sławna modelka Pandora została w brutalny sposób zamordowana, a główną podejrzaną o zbrodnię jest Mavis Freestone, najserdeczniejsza...
In 21st-century New York City, tough-as-nails cop Eve Dallas can survive a bombing, seduce her husband, and outsmart a terrorist-all on four hours of sleep. In this latest installment of the In Death series, author J.D. Robb (a.k.a. Nora Roberts)...
When Trudy Lombard, Eve’s abusive foster mother, claims she came all the way to New York just to see how Eve is doing, her fiercely protective husband, Roarke, suspects otherwise—and a blackmail attempt by Trudy proves his suspicion correct....
The number-one New York Times bestselling In Death series explodes with intrigue, passion, and suspense. Now, Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb propels you into the darkest night of Lieutenant Eve Dallas's life-when a killer comes to call.
J. D. Robb's “Missing in Death” investigates a female tourist's disappearance during a ferry ride. Lieutenant Eve Dallas wonders…if she didn't jump, and she's not on board, then where in the world is...
'a perfect balance of suspense, futuristic police procedural and steamy romance…truly fine entertainment…sure to leave you hungering for more…' Publisher's Weekly
It is 2058. New York cop Eve Dallas doesn't have to confront gun crime anymore,...