Multiply your chances of success on the ACT Math Test
The ACT Mathematics Test is a 60-question, 60-minute subtest designed to measure the mathematical skills students have typically acquired in courses taken by the end of 11th grade, and is...
If you have a wheat allergy, gluten intolerance, coeliac disease, or just want to enjoy the benefits of a diet free from wheat, barley and rye, then this book is for you. Our expert author team of registered dieticians explain the basics of gluten...
Your clear-cut, easy-to-follow guide to Windows 10
If you're a first-time, over-50 Windows 10 user looking for an authoritative, accessible guide to the basics of this new operating system, look no further than Windows 10 For Seniors For Dummies....
Grow your stock investments in today's changing environment
Updated with new and revised material to reflect the current market, this new edition of Stock Investing For Dummies gives you proven strategies for selecting and managing profitable...
1,001 opportunities to practice for the Series 7 Exam
This comprehensive study guide takes you beyond the instruction offered in Series 7 Exam For Dummies, by giving you more practice and review of the major concepts covered in the exam. If you're...
Think only master chefs can create the savory, succulent barbecue masterpieces you love to eat? Nonsense! BBQ Sauces, Rubs & Marinades For Dummies shows you everything you need to dig in, get your apron dirty, and start stirring up scrumptious...
Your hands-on guide to being a responsible rabbit owner
Want to raise a happy, healthy bunny? This practical guide gives you everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a rabbit. From choosing a rabbit and...
The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest...
It's a great blessing when a new mom with postpartum depression (PPD) is fortunate enough to be diagnosed early by a knowledgeable medical practitioner or therapist. But without guidance, it isn't always clear where the boundary between normal baby...
The bestselling guide to blogging—updated and better than ever!
Are you ready to make your mark on the Internet with a personal blog, but aren't quite sure where to start? Blogging For Dummies gives you the lowdown on blogging basics, the anatomy...