![World History For Dummies® [2nd Edition] World History For Dummies® [2nd Edition]](https://www.rulit.me/data/programs/images/world-history-for-dummies0-2nd-edition_475988.jpg)
If history scares you or bores you silly, that's probably because a teacher once required you to memorize a bunch of dates - when things like the Magna Carta and the Versailles Treaty were signed, for example. Admittedly, dates are a big part of history, but only because historical events happened in a certain order. If Columbus hadn't sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred and ninety-two, the Mayflower Pilgrims might not have looked west for a place to practice their Puritan religion almost 130 years later. The eventual outcome? No day-after-Thanksgiving mob scenes at the mall. So you may be asking, "How can a 330-page book cover the complete history of the world?" The short answer is that it can't. To cover thousands of years in one book would be impossible. What is possible is a skimming of the surface of world history, which is what you'll find in World History For Dummies. This book provides a fun and friendly overview of the history of the world, providing glimpses into the major players and events that have made the world what it is today.
Because the history of the world is such a grand topic, a comprehensive list of what you'll find in World History For Dummies would be almost as long as the book itself. So here are a few highlights to pique your interest:
Discover how to look at history from the historian's perspective Becoming civilized: The invention of writing and art Scientific developments that revolutionized the world Building empires: From Rome to Russia War and peace (no, not the Tolstoy novel) The development of the world's religions Overviews of the essential historical documents that you must know - from the Bible to the Bill of Rights Anyone with at least a passing interest in history can find value in World History For Dummies - whether you're a student or a teacher in need of a broad historical overview, a history buff looking for new fascinating areas of interest, or if you just want to be the best darned Trivial Pursuit player in your neighborhood!
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