How to survive when the god of war wants to destroy you and everyone you've ever met? Probably hide, really really well. What did I do? Become head priest of the most beautiful, irritating, quick-thinking, mind-reading, mildly sarcastic goddess I could trip over in the woods, then tell the war god to his face that I was gonna wipe up the pantheon with his ugly mug.
Now I'm seeking divine intervention from gods in neighboring cities, fending off a parade of unwanted guests, and racing to build this temple into a wallsy, towersy, fortressy, bad-ass city with defenses for days — before the war god's newest recruits can blow this place to kingdom come.
Thankfully, I have the girls to help me. They're the first family I've ever known, and I won't let the war god take them from me as long as I'm still alive. Which, I admit, may not be much longer...
Комментарии к книге "Halcyon Rising: Bastion of Hope"