Taking a vacation in order to ride out the storm of a broken engagement, Constable Hamish Macbeth visits a bed-and-breakfast at coastal Skay, where he meets an annoying array of characters and finds himself the prime suspect in a...
The one-man Scottish police force Hamish Macbeth becomes the prime suspect in the murder of the town ne’er-do-well, Randy ‘Macho Man’ Duggan, whose real killer is surprisingly close at...
His troublesome toothache must be put on hold when one-man police force Hamish Macbeth discovers the local dentist dead of nicotine poisoning, despite the fact that he was a...
Scottish detective Hamish Macbeth investigates the slaying of a mystery writer who dares to complain about a television adaptation of her books that turns her aristocratic heroine into a marijuana-smoking...
Christmas is an ancient Roman festival, not to be celebrated by decent folk in the Scottish Highlands. Police Constable Hamish Macbeth has always loved the festivities, but this year his family is vacationing in sunny Florida. He is stuck with...
With his neat new uniform, big new truck and important new job as head of Lochdubh’s state-of-the-art recycling center, dustman Fergus Macleod is a force to be reckoned with-issuing harsh fines and enforcing petty rules, much to the dismay of the...
Constable Hamish MacBeth goes undercover to investigate the mysterious death of a recovered heroin addict, whose church has been suspected of being in the drug...
Fans of the critically acclaimed Hamish Macbeth whodunits are in for a real treat with Death of a Poison Pen. Police constable Macbeth knows that, in most cases, the wild accusations and scandalous suppositions in poison-pen letters are an...
Minor writer John Heppel has a problem – he’s by all accounts a consummate bore. When he’s found dead in his cottage, there are plenty of suspects. But surely boredom shouldn’t be cause for murder, or so thinks local bobby and sleuth Hamish...
Occasionally, the rugged landscape of Scotland attracts dreamers who move north, wrapped in fantasies of enjoying the simple life. They usually don’t last, defeated by the climate or by inhospitable locals. But it looks as if Effie Garrand has...