
Боевая фантастика
Автор: Gordon William Lee
Серия: Here Comes Earth #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
Издатель: Medsabi
ISBN: 978-0-692-68988-2
Город: Frisco, TX
Добавил: Admin 5 Июл 17
Проверил: Admin 5 Июл 17
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Where did mankind really come from? Why are we here?
We can’t understand the past until we embrace the future.

These critical mysteries take center stage as Earth emerges into a Galactic Society that is far more perilous than anyone could have imagined. Our history is far more complicated than we could have known. Can a few brilliant minds find a way out for Earth?
One saving grace is that there are those that believe ancient clues foretell that Earth has a destiny, and if we can survive our present difficulties we might just find out what that destiny is…
Dr. Mark Spencer was a young and up and coming history and anthropology professor who was all too familiar with what happens to less advanced civilizations when suddenly exposed to others of considerably higher technology. There’s only one survivor and the culture witnessing magic isn’t it.
When modern day Earth suddenly finds itself on the losing end of that proposition a team of the world’s best scientists is put together to find a solution.
Of course the advanced society being friendly, Earth’s citizens uniting, and the world’s politicians working together for the common good would help tremendously, but… what if none of that were true?

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