When she and her crew are ambushed and taken captive aboard an enemy ship, Honor Harrington finds herself bound for the planet prison named "Hell" and scheduled for execution, forcing Honor to plot the most adventurous escape of her...
The Star Kingdom of Manticore and the Republic of Haven have been enemies for Honor Harrington's entire life, and she has paid a price for the victories she's achieved in that conflict. And now the unstoppable juggernaut of the mighty Solarian...
The families who rule the People's Republic of Haven need a short, victorious war to calm the Proles and defuse any threat of civil war. In their way stands a kingdom that has always backed down before... but Honor Harrington wasn't involved...
The planet Grayson is strategically placed to make a very good ally for the Kingdom of Manticore and so Honor Harrington is sent to carry the flag. However, women on Grayson have no rights. Then Grayson is attacked by its sister...
For Captain Honor Harrington, it's sometimes hard to know who the enemy is. Offered a chance to reclaim her career, she is given command of a "squadron" of merchantment, and ordered to stop the pirates who are plundering the Kingdom's commerce....
Hounded by political enemies and cut to the heart by the death of the man she loved, Honor Harrington has retreated to Grayson to take up her role as Steadholder while her wounds heal. But the Republic of Haven is rising from defeat to threaten...
For eight years, Commodore Honor Harrington has been in the forefront of the battle between the Star Kingdom of Manticore and the vastly more powerful People's Republic of Haven. Now Honor has fallen, captured by the Peep...
NO ONE WANTED ANOTHER WARThomas Theisman didn't. After risking his life and a fresh round of civil war to overthrow the Committee of Public Safety's reign of terror and restore the Republic of Haven's ancient Constitution, an interstellar...