Time conquers all, and in the far-distant future, in the war-torn lands once known as the United States of America, all that remains are scattered tribes like the Horseclans and city-states ruled by the Ehleenee, the decadent practitioners of an...
With the help of powerful inhuman allies, Prince Bryuhn has persuaded Bili and his warriors to delay their return to Confederation lands and join in his campaign against the deadly invading army that threatens to destroy New Kuhmbuhluhn.
But even as...
Battle to the Death!
When Milo Morai, the Undying High Lord, and his Horseclans warriors found the tower ruins, they welcomed it as the perfect citadel from which to hold off the packs of ravenous wolves eager for their blood. But the ancient...
Only one thing stands between the Skohshuns and victory—the deadly challenge of Bili the Axe and his warrior band... Besieged! The day of prophecy has come at last—the time for Bili and Prince Byruhn to rally their troops for the final defense...
The Thoheeks is dead!
Long live the new Thoheeks! But who will this new leader of Sanderz-Vawn be? For although young Horsclansman Tim Sanderz, exiled long years ago, has come to reclaim his rightful inheritance, his stepmother wants to see her own...
When Milo Morai’s Confederation forces defeated the army of the tyrannical King Zastros, the High Lord offered a peace settlement his defeated foes could scarce believe, welcoming them as full members of the newly formed Confederation of Eastern...
Milo Morai, the Undying High Lord of the Horseclans, secure in the knowledge that peace had once again come to the Kindred clans, now journeyed with a select band to explore unknown territory. Perhaps days or weeks ahead, Milo would discover an...
Prophecy Written in Blood! After two hundred years of seaching for other immortals, the Undying High Lord Milo Morai has returned to the Horseclans to fulfill an ancient prophecy and lead them to their destined homeland by the sea. But in their path...
In the evil time after civilization fell apart, the Undying High Lord Milo Morai gathered together as many children as he could save and set about teaching them the laws of survival. Over the centuries, Milo's children wandered the Sea of grass,...