An Inspector Ramsay murder mystery. Farmer Ernie Bowles is found lying strangled on his kitchen floor. A second strangulation follows and then a third suspicious death which provides a link and leads Inspector Ramsay to the Alternative Therapy...
When fifteen-year-old Marilyn Howe turns up alone and frightened on Inspector Ramsay's doorstep he has little choice but to invite her in. Marilyn and her mother, Kathleen, are a familiar sight around Heppleburn, a strangely inseparable couple. But...
The fourth book in the successful Stephen Ramsay mystery series. Self-confident, ruthless, overbearing actress Gabriella Paston has many enemies-at least one with a mind to murder. As rehearsals begin for the local show in which she was to star,...
In this second Inspector Ramsay novel, Ramsay faces a murder investigation on his own doorstep following his impulsive decision to buy a cottage in the Northumberland village of...
The first crime novel featuring Inspector Ramsay, whose reputation hangs in the balance as he investigates the murder of a headmaster in a close-knit Northumbrian pit...
The third title in the Inspector Ramsay crime series. Dorothea Cassidy, the Vicar's wife is found dead in the park's flower bed. The list of suspects include old Mrs Bowman, Clive Stringer, a disturbed adolescent, and Theresa Stringer, a single...