The Stately Home Murder

The Stately Home Murder
Классические детективы, Полицейские детективы
Автор: Aird Catherine
Язык: английский
Год: 1970
Добавил: Admin 19 Июл 12
Проверил: Admin 19 Июл 12
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A tourist discovers a body in a suit of armor on display at an English country estate. Suspicion centers on the owning family whose archetypical members are superbly portrayed by Robin Bailey. His takeoff on the two aged aunts is just delicious. Distinction is made, as it is in British society, between the aristocrats and ordinary folk like Detective Sloan, a continuing Aird sleuth. One senses that both writer and reader are having fun with this one. Bailey has read other of Aird's "cosy" mysteries, but has died, so this is the end. 

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